
Sunday, August 30, 2009

Happy Birthday to ME!

Is my birthday today! Well, is a day to cherish. More than to celebrate. I'm alive! =) OK. Still gotta continue blogging with my Malaysia Holiday Trip one. (I know it is taking quite a while, but gotta wait for the good stuffs right) =)

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Changing Company

As some of you might know, I'm really into skating nowadays. Have not been blogging and also, have changed company. Let's just say Skating Company "US" was my first and Skating Company "SS" is the company I'm working now. Let the story begin.

Reasons why I changed company in the first place. Simply put, there is no future with "US". Little training to build up my own skills and abilities. Of course, the job is only for part-timers who are not serious with skating in long term. Maybe, I'm the only few, being really serious with Skating. Other than that, there is a lot of manual labour, teaching large group of students from schools. And it felt like we were forcing them into skating and not doing something they like. It felt like another hour of school for them and I thought that this is not the way it should be. It is a sport out of passion. Not fashion, not trend, and definitely not forced "labour". On top of that, the efficiency of earning that supposedly "good" money is not there. In the end, I can find myself workng up to half a day, just to only earn $20 bucks. With the travelling, and the constant sun-burn..and the little time left for myself, I have came to realise that I will not be able to survive financially. If dirty is another factor..yup it is.

And I came across "SS" after a movie with Joshua and I took a brochure. Looked through the website. It isn't difficult to know that "SS" trains their coaches and get certified! And that is what I'm looking for! Being a certified coach with a piece of paper people will acknowledge. And I'm hoping to get that by the end of this year. And so, I sent my resume and got a reply back that "SS" is interested in training and mentoring me! As I got to their so-called orientation, I experienced the difference in teaching methods. At "SS" students enjoy their lessons. That is the way it should be. Got to know that I have to be a assistant coach first but with a better pay than "US"..etc..It all seems like a better deal than "US". It was way encouraging.

But. Here comes the but. I would have to be total trained, which means I would need to do the shop too. And finally, came to a agreement to work on Mondays 12-8pm, Friday 2-9pm, Saturday 12-6pm (Though still working that part out..for morning sessions). The good thing is, now, I can earn up to double to triple the amount than "US". The so-called bad thing, was the lost of flexibility..and sacrifice of my precious Saturday. At least, I have my tuesdays and thursdays off. More time for myself. And I can blog again! My MALAYSIA HOLIDAY post is waiting for me!

That is not all. Since starting work at "SS" on Friday, Saturday and Yesterday(Monday)..I'm beginning to feel a sense of loneliness. At "SS", it would be beneficial if you were the student. But to have fun as a is still better to be at "US". Not in terms of teaching. But in terms of friendship. I miss the friendship I have with the people at "US".

I can make new friends at "SS" right? Yup. I can. But somehow, the chemistry is not there. So far, all those I know working are younger than me, unlike "US" all 1987 gang. Moreover, because the classes are small at "SS", there are only like me and another coach plus a head coach.

Both good and bad sides. Many students = little attention to each student but also = many instructors = build friendship and bond. Little students = more attention to students but also = few instructors PLUS HEAD Coach is always there. Not perfect breeding ground for jokes and casual talk. Is a change for me definitely. It becomes a friends outing to working.

The PLUS side here is, I do learn lots of things and organisational stuff which would come in handy in time to come. I have plans..just that I do not know if I'm gonna do them for now.

Do you think God actually prepared me for this job? Perhaps, humbling myself, putting me at "US" first, and a job on Wednesday that requires me to communicate with foreigners. Is an issue really. Communicating with foreigners. I use to be so quiet when they are talking to me. But now, I am able to talk. You think so? Why do I ask myself that? Cause just yesterday, a girl came in and had a pretty short interview and got "rejected". That's why..Seems like the standard here is quite high. =) It means I'm quite good right? haha..

Ok. Enough of blabbing. remember, HUmble.

This is my conclusion.
Changing company isn't all that good. You get better on some factors, you lose out on others. It has been pretty lonely once again, since I changed from Skating Company "US" to "SS".

Friday, August 14, 2009