
Saturday, June 19, 2010


Hi, I have not been blogging again for a long while once again. And I have no valid reason for it except that I'm too lazy to switch on the lappy when I'm home and I don't blog when I'm at work. I wanna do work when I'm at work. Anyway, can't upload photos. Haha..

So anyway, Joshua and I have not been seeing each other regularly for quite some time. Somehow, it is good! Both of us enjoyed our trips and being out with friends. I love it! Right now, Joshua is at beer fest. And I know that I should be sleeping right now so that I can be awake tomorrow for early prac and then service. Oh man..Why did I suggest 7.45am? Well, Kind of know that it is a safer timing. Since, I may be late (Although I stay nearby)

So, below is the photos for Church Camp!
To tell you the truth, almost everyone brought a camera, so, there is not much in mine. I shall hope for Uncle Chye keng's one with his super pro camera. After all, he is the official photographer for the camp.

Ok. I better sleep first. Continue sometime on monday? Cause..Really is time to sleep.

Looking at the photos I have, I regretted not making the effort to take more photos. And a secret, I'm hoping for another holiday soon. Opps.. Hehe..Missing Church Camp.
We had a stop over while traveling from Singapore to Malaysia. And I really didn't want to eat at the hawker. Fortunately, I managed to find a Nasi Lemak Starbucks coffee bean style shop. With air-con. And relatively affordable by Singapore standards. I probably only spent 5 bucks (Sing) on Mee Rubus with apple juice. 
And it was the Cleanest..
Although there were still house flies. It is still way better than being at the hawker.
Me, Shuying and Joy. We are roommates. =) 
It looks not bad from here right!Finally, when we reach the golf resort, it looks spectacular on first sight. 
After a while, I got used to it.
But now that I'm home, my house is a far cry from the architecture of the resort, no matter how I clean my room up.
They put up this wonderful lokking board as though they were gonna show it at the bar every night. It got me kind of excited. Cause I heard from Joshua that most of his church people went to watch. And Wahla..when we came down again..the board was gone, saying that there will not be any live show...which prolonged till the day of my departure.
But what I love the most is the bed. My future bed needs to be thick and bouncy! Great and awesome sleep!
For me at least. Joy complained that it was too soft for her that her back was aching. But I fall asleep easily when I lie on the bed. It is just extremely comfortable. 
I'm having problems sleeping at home. Just can't sleep properly. But I am not allowed to change the bed cause it is not spoilt. Which I think is ridiculous! Cause I'm 23! Alright. I can change the bed but I'll have to pay it for myself. Can't expect my parents to pay right? Now that I'm 23. I miss the bed so so much. 
(I wonder if I tell my mum that is time to change the bed cause I can't sleep properly) 
But..better not. She is kind of paranoid these few days. Cause of my elder sister that went MIA! Whatever we say, my mum can somehow link to as if we are gonna abandon her or that we find the house unappealing, thus, wanting to leave, therefore leaving her. I mean, hearing that from her just made me not wanna talk to her. Oh well.. Da Jie! Somewhere out there! PLEASE CONTACT MUMMY! 
We, at home are facing the results of your action!
If you wanna be reached, then contact mummy. If you wish to break all ties whatsoever, tell her too! DOn't leave her hanging or guessing. It is making her lose her mind!
Ok. Next.
I like this painting. I noticed it from the moment I walked into our conference from call Springs 1. 
It captured my attention. =)
Me at night, before I sleep.Our roommate photo, before we head back to Singapore. Ok. It is a 4 day trip. I did not take photos. I should have. 
Of Course, Before we leave, it is A&W time. I think it caused me to have tummyache. Took all my mood for shopping away. In the end, I only bought food back for the family. Right now, I'm Craving to SHOP!Tata.