
Monday, July 19, 2010

Everyone's asleep is 1.36am in the morning of 19th July 2010. While all my family members including Joshua have fallen asleep, I'm Blogging with wine. Yup. I'm not really a wine person, but since there is half a bottle left, might as well finish it. So, I'm kind of in the blurry mood right now.

It is alright though. While most people will have to work tomorrow, I won't have to.

Which comes to my point. Work. Is not that I don't know what work is. But up till now, I can't put my finger to where is the exact job of what I shall do.

I know I have the liberty to pick. Where do I start from?

Recently, I have been pondering about becoming a Kindergarten Teacher. I know. It is so out of the blue! Like what! Turns out there is a market out there and so I have been checking out courses till it hit my head that, what about the pay? Well, in the internet from the sites I have found, it seems like Kindergarten Teachers are paid pretty poorly and said to be paid lower than admin staffs. This information is really quite a let down to me. It means that I really do need the passion. A passion that can overcome the idea of a not so prosperous pay..

And Joshua told me today, instead of getting yourself trained and finally realise that it is not what you like and train yourself again for something is a waste of time. Not exactly a waste of time though. You get the experience. But of course..I get what he means. And so, right now, while i'm a little drunk and blogging freely, I'm thinking since I have a TS major and I do wanna work with kids, might as well work at a Kids Drama Centre or something. Right?! Ok. You know what, that is a possibility, and moreover, i can most probably earn more, rest more and see how the schedule is like. I may opt for a 4-5 days work kind of thing. Haha..I think.

And then comes my existing work. The Brand Name that is building up in the English Education recently. Totally a LACK OF INTERGRITY. While I do love and have faith in my teachers, the Head Office is another deal. So much for promoting leadership qualities with a Lack of Intergrity! Ok. By Law, we have no hard core evidence. But by God above or spies, undercover with Confidential Information etc who have been checking and observing..BLEAH!

It sucks working for someone you know who upholds money more than values. And to know that! Maybe or maybe not that God was preparing me..with a sermon today for a Dog eat Dog world society..survival guide..

I kinda feel like David when he said that though I'm anointed king, I'm weak...And the sons of zeriah(spelt wrongly I think) are strong.

And also, may God deal with the evil doers of their evil deeds.

Then, I also related to..Can't remember who..who was Joseph's dad? Abrahim? That Abrihim let his nephew picked the land first so that their servants wouldn't fight? Well, as his nephew had first pick and saw that the land was flowing with milk and honey... his nephew picked that land..BUT, the bible wrote later that the land was corrupted with wrong values. While Abrahim had the so-called lousier land in terms of materials in the eyes of man, the Lord still bless him. And of course, his house hold was not surrounded by people with corrupted values.

I'm not really sure what happen to Joab and his brother in the end like as written in 2nd Samuel. We are only still at chapter 5. But I remember reading 2nd Samuel before.
Nevermind. Should I google the verses?
What I am gathering, with my giddy mind is that Solomon had Joab killed, as requested by his father David.

Whatever it is, I think..never in anyone's life should one let making money corrupt one's values.

Well, that reminds me that all of us will be accountable to God for the actions we do on earth.
Perhaps we may escape the 'loop holes of laws' on earth. But be can't really escape from the guilt and no peace of mind can you? Even if you can, will you, will you and I ever escape God's Judgement?

It does not mean that God won't judge you when you don't believe there is a God.
Haha..that's such a silly thinking.

Ok. I;m really having quite a bad headache from the wine and the late hours.

Think it is time to hit the bed.

Just Imagine. Us. You and I being judge. I don't dare even think of it.