
Monday, February 23, 2009


I want to start anew. Afresh.
Don't really like my current situation now. But I believe that it will be over. Just need to go through it.
Sometimes, I wonder if the working world like that? I guess so which means I will really need to find a good working environment. =)
Sleepy Sleepy

Friday, February 6, 2009

To the Zoo!!

I have finally uploaded all the photos!! Wee!
Took me a few days.
I miss blogging so so much. You know!
And this post is like since forever! Oh well.

Introducing Me and Sasha. On the way to Singapore ZOo!
It has changes so so much you know! Since the last time I went. Now, It really is a good place to go. Clean and nice and you seriously can spend the entire day there and not finish seeing all the animals. PLus performances too! Makes me wanna work there. haha
But i'm scared!

We were really entu. ok at least I was and I had to start taking pictures.

Seriously, I can't remember when I last visited the zoo! Was it like decades ago? ok years ago.

I like those tails. Looks like the kind you can sweep all the dust away from the table. Feather duster? haha

And for our first show. We were there early

Had a pretty good seat but the next 2, we didn't have good seats cause we reach there just on time. SO be early for your performance!!

The next show..ELEPHANTS

Actually, come to think of it, the stunts were pretty familiar. It seems like I can still remember which means they haven't exactly change the performance since like forever..

Lastly, the splash safari show.

After the show, we basically headed back le cause it was like 5 plus. Can you believe it?! So fast hor.