
Friday, February 6, 2009

Change of plans.

A time for myself.
Initially, I wanted to go and make passport today then rush for facial with my mum before rushing to school and then for project meeting but my mum did not like the fact that I was rushing and she of course didn't want to go there alone herself. So. What we negotiated was that I will go and collect on the following friday myself. Cause I don't intend to collect tml since tonight, I will shoot till extreme late. According to SW. 2am. and I don't want to force myself to wake up and go collect by 1230pm. I'm already drain alot by school. Weekends are suppose to be the day of rest and recharge not suppose to be waking up early and do errands. I'm still trying my best to implement the no school thing on weekend. Eww. 5 days a week is the max. No weekends. Moreover, there is church on sunday.

Next. When I decided that I wont be collecting today, My mind was like ok, go do school work now. And somehow, I went up and just laid on the bed, stoning for awhile, as if not use to not doing something suddenly. For quite sometime. And then, I thought of how I didn't give myself time. Own personal space. NOT JOURNAL BUT BLOG!!!! I haven blog for a long long time!!!! I hate Journal. It is adding unnecessary burden though some people say it will help me with my work. DOTZ. 2 people I feel like slaughtering when I think of a certain module.

Now, I hate adverts. Everytime I walk pass, I will think how they arrange it how to make it better for mine. How to make my stand out among all those things already there. Lalala. And then I think that the idea of a black background no longer works if I want to stand out among a lot of black background posters. OK. See, work again. DOTZ.

So, finally, here I am blogging. Talking about how drain I am. Well, I learnt something. What? About Joshua. Yesterday, I finally headed home by bus instead of waiting for Joshua to fetch me. And is like rare now that I take bus home. I feel. And then, seating, travelling home with a whole lot of other strangers, I felt like I'm going through what he is going through. Whole day, mind bombarded with work for hours. Get things done, get that done. After work, Stone. Mind shut down. When i wasn't so busy, I didn't understand why he was like 'stone' to me. Now, i know why. Cause now, I feel stone. But having 2 person stone isn't very good for the relationship.

Train of thoughts of work work work work and suddenly a question, What do you want to eat? Train of thoughts stop. Huh? What do I want to eat? Problem is that I haven't took the time to think what I wanna eat. Work without goal is having no soul. haha. Linking to the stupid play. Actually, come to think about it without play prod, my whole schedule will be extremely relax! haha. okok. I want to graduate.

I have been taking what I have for granted.
For my house for granted.
My food for granted.
My bed for granted.
All of those become like just there to fulfill some routine that I do not like very much. But I just do it because I have to.
If you ask me, I prefer filming much more than theatre stuff. Totally different.
As long as filming is not night time. Ah! Within range of 10am-5pm but then again if it is that time, I would have no one to film with. Darnz.

Also, I have taken Joshua for granted le. I don't bother talking to him as much cause my mind is still filled with work. First thing that comes to my mind is anything. But it isn't really anything. It just shows that I don't care as long as there is food that kind of thing.

No wonder I get thin when school starts. Cause I don't bother what I eat. I eat whatever food is there and just get going. hmm. Bad bad bad. And then I put on weight when it is the holidays. haha.

Think of something to eat everyday!!!( I want to eat that bag of ruffles!)
I miss eating juicy fruits. Like watermelon and pear.
I want to savour on soups like onion soups. Definitely cream of mushroom.
I miss gyming, focusing on just the stretch and working on my stomach. I like feeling the pain when I stretch and the burn when I do situp.

I lost my train of thoughts.
I will treat Joshua better. =)
And remember the good. =)

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