
Friday, March 20, 2009

Miss Blogging

I miss blogging so much.
But no time!
Still they think that we are super machines?
Yes we are doing a play on..
I'm suppose to be publicising it, not complain.
OK la. I mean after all the hardowrk we put in, i'm sure that the play is worth your money! Though it is definitely not worth my effort! haha.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Learning to love

Learning to love myself, to love the people around me.

Love is what I need to learn. How to love.
I'm so glad that it is over. And yet emptiness. I know that the event meant nothing to me. But I learnt alot and I apreciate people behind the scenes much much more.
I use to always be in the performing side but now, after having so much back scenes to do, I'm appreciating the people backstage much more than those in front.

Also, I learn the importance of taking care of myself. To look good. Not overpushing. Is a total joke when you keep rushing and at the end you realise that it is so insignificant you know what I mean?

An eye opener would be Joshua. He did not complain. He was there for me. In fact, I would say he is patient in another way. And Shirley, stop being so self centerd!
Treasure Joshua.

You know Joshua is like the wise man mention in the bible. I have learnt alot of things. The way he thinks, the way he handles things. I'm amazed.

Sunday, March 1, 2009


I totally totally just get turn off with play production le
And I ask myself like so many times why am I in this thing.
And the answer is I want to graduate.
Well, since, I just wanna graduate only then..haha
Just do what I can do la
Really, there is not a need to spend so much time doing it, which is exactly what I have been doing. Sianz.