
Thursday, May 28, 2009

A different Look!

Finally! I changed my blogskin once again. Simple change. But I realise that I take super long cause I'm not pro with changing template. But hehe, At least, I manage to chern this out, along with Joshua's one too! Hope that it will be a pleasant surprise for him.

Tired eyes.

Wanna eat French Fries.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Sasha, a Rose and a Bag!

One year Anniversary. More of a reason that Joshua gave to buy me a bag but is not even one year yet!
Still I appreciate it. Hehe.
What I love about this bag. Durable. I remember checking the display bag, Scratching it etc to make sure it is a bag that can take my kind of lifestyle. Since, I discovered that my my stuffs tends to go through a lot of hardship. Lappy with scratches. HP with scratches too. That's why I need a bag that is durable. Not one that needs super delicate care. Can fit with shorts, skirt and dress. Fabulous!
Thank You!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Previously On Shirley's Blog

Updates from after my Thailand trip till 3rd May.
First up! Is really I would call this the usual hang out. IKEA. We have been there for so many times. Till, I started to change flavours. Instead of just Swedish meatballs all the time, I have changed to Poach Salmon with fries. I love fries.
Yummilicious. But I'm more prone to getting Salmon only when it is the meal of the day since it is cheaper. If it is the Swedish meatball that is on the meal of the day..I would get that. =)

And at times, we would walk around IKEA. But now, I kind of hope that IKEA could do more designs with the rooms, so that I will have something new to look at! Hehe. Ok, I'm so bad.
And it is expensive. Wow! Well, it is not like I"m gonna buy everything all at once. One at a time.
FOOD FAIR at Expo. It is a long time ago, not that long..

I would say that the food is just so so only. Hmm..

Rollerblade and took pictures.
Tadah! As if we were at the marathon too!
And completed. =)

If not, we will go to Hk CAFE/Restaurant.
Well, the only thing I like about it is the Carrot Cake XO! The really lah.


Is cheaper. Though not much but still cheaper. Hehe..
And company him to cut hair.
I wish my hair was as thick and dense. Lots of hair! Not hairy. But have a lot of hair at the right place.

OH! And DOng Hai! I love the Egg tarts!
But when we eat too much fried stuff. I really need the green tea to make me feel better.

And IKEA again.

Or Suki Sushi!

Yum Yum! The usual orders with hand rolls.

PEEKABOO! We are going to Malaysia! Well, I like the idea of going overseas. Even though it is just 'next door'.

White Dog Cafe!

Our conversation
S: Why is there a showman in Singapore?

J: That's why the Snowman is so thin!

I love this! Dessert!

Bottom picture. Lets not talk about it. Bad day.
I'm so craving fries right now.