
Sunday, May 10, 2009

Shirley is Back!

I'm back! With a revamp look hopefully by tml. Also, with much more updates and reflections and just all the little things in life that means so much and often we just forget about it as time just pass us by without us noticing. So..Stay TUNE!

And Happy Mummy's day!
Yup. My mum is stepping out of her comfort zone, taking risks..starting a business. Which I really believe she have been thinking of it since last year. I remember clearly. Cause one year ago was the time when I really couldn't breathe and stuff and I told her to go do it instead of regretting when life comes to an end on earth. So, Looks like she really took my words seriously and one year later..TADAH!

And so, I shall help her with it. We definitely want it to be a success right? =)


And thank you Joshua for all the small and HUGE things you have done for me. To get my through my last semester. Will I ever want to go through this semester once more? Eh..nope! Once is enough. But you know, life is really a once thing. There is no twice. Yup! So I need to keep reminding myself to make full use of my time. In Joshua's words, means not sleep my life away.

But I definitely need discipline. ok!

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