
Monday, February 8, 2010

Weekend Trip

On Saturday, I pleaded with Joshua to go either to the Arcade and play DDR or to go to escape theme park. Ok. I know these are not the most trendy attractions right now because Universal Studios at Sentosa is coming up..But I really did wanted to go back to my childhood days!(Sounds like I'm old...) I'M NOT OLD JUST TO LET YOU KNOW! I just graduated thats all....

Wonder what I'm gonna say next year. I just started working? Haha..Maybe I might go back to studying again next year. Opps. Did I say something wrong? Well, I'm kind of like thinking of studying pre-school stuff..I know! That is like so out of the blue right! Well..maybe people are right about me. I'm like a 3 min excited about things kind of person. Darnz..Well, at least, I can have the time to practice my piano exam too..UhOh..I did not practice my piano today. It is so hard to have self-discipline when there is no system to guide me. I'm working towards self-discipline! YES I AM! And hopefully, I can pass my grade 8 exam next year! I so hope so...while many of you out there may have passed your grade 8..I have yet to. And I'm so not proud of it. It is so weird with me wanting to take grade 8, knowing that I dislike playing piano very much when I was younger. All because of a teacher. pick your teachers well! Haha..

Joshua decided to opt for Escape Theme Park. I'm guessing is because he did not wanna throw face by playing DDR at some random arcade. Or getting trash by me. Hahaha..I have not played for a long time. Despite of that, I still believe I'm pretty good with it! ok..don't be proud. I'm not that good la. Just Joking. I have to say..I'm learning how to reward my day after working in customer service industry..People are not very good people when they become a customer...They should just be continue being a honest person just like how they treat their friends! Unless they are not honest to their friends. It is so hard to find a good customer nowadays. It really becomes a snow-ball rolling effect between company and customers. I think somewhere down in history..Customer were not honest and cheated company money by using their service without paying. order to protect themselves, Companies decided to collect something called "the deposit" to protect themselves should customers just MIA like that and to minimise their losses..This results future customers having to pay a "deposit", with their money stuck with the company when they can actually earn interest in banks or whatsoever..

See..some customers' short term 'earnings'/cheating has caused many other innocent customers their potential money loss.

I shall not continue with the next consequence. I just can't stand it when customers are not hoonest. Yup. I know, there are companies out there who are out to cheat customers money..etc..but really, without honesty, both parties become defensive with the thing called "money"/survival. It becomes pretty hard customers and companies to become friends..which is what I really wanna work towards to. I wanna be friends with my customers. More than a exchange of service. Is so weird seeing people weekly and we are still like strangers..

I think some people can get use to the fact of seeing a stranger weekly. But I can't. It just feels so wrong!

Ok. Back to Escape Theme Park.
It is a good name to use. Escape Theme Park. Escape from your troubling work, problems etc..
But I just went there to have FUN!
(I really had to take a photo of Sasha with Joshua's cap. I think it is super adorable!)

Finally! When we arrived at the entrance of Escape Theme Park on a scorching hot Sunday afternoon...I was extremely surprised/SHOCK!

There was hardly anyone...Like..
What do you expect when you go to a theme park? Rides. Background Music. Lots of People. Cooling too..
It feels like a deserted place, despite being a one for one ticket Sunday!!!

I tried to explain to myself that perhaps it is too hot that's why no one is here. They are all at Wild Wild Wet..which is definitely a better choice as I gradually realize..Lucky I applied sunblock on my face.

Joshua was contemplating if it was a good idea to even enter the theme park, seeing how deserted it was. And though the atmosphere was not really there, I decided that we should give Escape Theme Park a Chance. Afterall, I have not been there for a long long time!
With Joshua's NTUC member, we paid a total of $14.70 for 2 person to enter the themepark. Quite a reasonable price considering the atmosphere, the blazing hot sun and the few people there.....

And the first ride we took was the Ferris Wheel. Haha..It was so squeezy lah for both Joshua and I. Either I have really grown up in size or Joshua is the one taking most of the place. Haha..
After which, we took the family roller coaster ride. Not to worry, It isn't scary even though we sat at the last row.

Think we took the pirate Ship after that. It was pretty scary for me The first time I took it. But when I took it the second time, it was more shiok and fun than scary. But I can't take the ride continuously. I will feel a little guidy..I can't take rides that keeps going in the same direction for a long long time..

I must say that Go-Cart was Joshua's favourite Ride. One of my favourite rides. The only ride we took more than 5 times. Well, can't be compared with one of the Uncle. There was this uncle who kept taking the Go-Cart until the car spoil sia..then we have to play other rides while they clean up the road as the car leaked oil.
Number 26 was the newest car. And I had the luxary of picking it! =) Advance Level.
Another of my favourite ride. Wet and Wild. Joshua was only concern about not getting wet. While I was trying to recall how scary it was for me in the past and getting myself prepared for it..and when we came splashing down..I was like Hmm...that was not scary at all..I must have coped with my fear or something. Haha..Definitely not the haunted house though. I did not even want to open my eyes. I just stick myself to Joshua and closed my eyes as we walked through the entire place.

Us in the Go Card. Basic Level. Driver: ME!

Well, I guess due to the heat and getting dehydrated despite having a bottle of water, we decided to bid goodbye to Escape Theme Park. Ain't many rides to take anyway..

Thank You Sweet Heart for listening to my nonsence and bringing me to Escape Theme Park.
Hmm, Should you wanna go to Escape Theme Park, it would be better if you take the double ticket..Entrance to both Wild Wild Wet and Escape Theme Park. So that you can be merry and happy when you play wild wild wet during the day..and go to Escape Theme Park during the evening/night, since they only close at 8pm. BUT! Do not be as crazy as me, to visit only the Theme Park at 2pm! It is gonna be so so so extremely hot! And a bottle of water is never enough for you!


Monday, February 1, 2010

GoodBye Punggol Ripples...

Hi! I just had Lunch @ Swensens with Joshua again! YUM YUM! Love it there..@ Vivo City. It really is a good treat for a couple..

Well..these photos are not taken today though. These were taken the week before I started work. =) When Joshua took off specially for me to go to Sentosa. @ Swensens..reading the Menu.

Earle Swensen's..
The special thing about it is the salad bar that comes with the meal that we ordered.
It is such a pity though that I can't seem to eat more than 2 bowls of salad bar when I have my main course..though at the start it always seem that I can eat like 4 bowls of Salad Bar.

OUR FOOD! Muahaha...I love it when the salad bar has CHIPS! Apples..Potatoes..Ham..Macaroni and Bacon..

Whatever it is..You should go and try it out! It is so worth the money when it is lunch time!

Well, Joshua and I headed to Sentosa and kinda checked out Resorts World. It is extremely spacious, grand and fabulous just being outside and at the counter..Wonder how the hotel rooms are like! I'm so interested!

Well..Back on course..we went to the beach. It is quite a let down that day. The tide was so low and the water was extremely dirty greeny..What to do..I look forward to the day when our beach is crystal clear..
Still..I love the sand. And being at Sentosa is better than being at East Coast Park..Haha..

Love a tan once in a while.

Recently, I have been showered with gifts from Joshua.

the 2 seashells he got for me while running at East Coast..while I was having work.

A Blue Rose out of the blue! This weekend..So happy! Somehow, I still think that I'm unable to express the joy to him when I receive such presents. Cause I will be in a long long surprise mode that it takes quite a while to be overjoyed. But thank you Sweet Heart!
Mel's Place!

Is a new area for both of us. Personally, I really do love the place ALOT!

Because of its ambience and atmosphere. When you step in there, you can hardly feel that you are in Singapore. More of like, you are in a resort holiday...

We went there last night to watch soccer. Man U VS Arsenal! Pity though..the place closed while the match is only Half way!!! Man U 2 VS Arsenal 0. Wonder what's the outcome like. .
First time ever, I have a new drink! 10 bucks for this.

Would I go there again? YUP! FOr Ambience sake. The food is not that bad but the price is kind of expensive for me..I think Swensen's Lunch is much better!

Ok. Ends post abruptly..