
Friday, September 10, 2010

Steps to get a new HDB flat

Hi hi!

Finally, after months of waiting and applying quite a number of times through HDB website and paying $10/- each time we apply, we finally FINALLY had quite a good number, good enough to choose a flat.

HDB sends the letter that our queue no is 192. (Usually, we will receive a emormous no, that we never have the chance to select our flats, followed by a rejection letter saying that all flats have been booked. so.., possibly we could have a flat by 2013 last time..but now it will be 2014)

Unlike Joshua, I wasn't very calm about the flats being taken up..he said, settle for the best remaining flat. Well..I mean after some analysis and research on my own, i picked the unit that I want. 364. Yup. And thankfully it was not the first few flats to get picked. The flats that got picked were nearer the MRT.

On the other hand, I picked unit 364 because it is near the LRT. Take a lift down and Dah! You are next to LRT! On top of that 364 offers a great view of the 2nd storey carpark. And since, I have no experience or I can't remember living in HDB..(I did when I was young), I picked this unit base on living at Sentosa resort hotel..My dad always booked the hotel room with a view of the swimming pool. And so, I picked this unit! For a four (4) room flat, only unit 388 (I think) and definitely unit 364 offers the view of a garden! Muahaha..

I think it is a super smart move! I undrstand why people picked the flats nearer to the MRT, but thankfully they did if not, I would not have had my unit 364! Muahaha..The thing is there is no shelter for the flats nearer to the MRT. BUT! Unit 364, offers shelter all the way! And, it is nearer to the express way for Joshua. Haha..

So, the day came for us to pick the flat and I was like hoping so much to have the 9th floor, cause by the queue no 192..there was only 9th floor and 7th floor and below left! At least this saved me the headache of picking which level..but I was so unsettled the night before..hoping that there will still be the 9th floor for me to choose!

Somehow I thought if we went there earlier, we can pick the flat first..Haha..but I was wrong. HDB follow the rules strictly! They follow the queue no.

So happenly, there was a couple before us with the queue no. 191 choosing between 2 units the 9th floor 364 unit and another one, who knows where..

And I was like OH NO!!!!! NOT THE 9th floor!!!!

Well, then at church earlier in the morning, I told my cell group that I was gonna pick the flat..and finally, deciding to trust God in what He will provide.

So..haha, my prayer while waiting for queue no. 191 to choose their flats was..essentially, I really hope to have the 9th floor but I leave it up to you God..but I would like to have 9th floor, but is up to You God, I can stay on the 7th floor too..

You get the idea. Muahah..Is like a test!!!
My head was going back and forth. WHile saying leave it to God's hands, secretly too hoping that the couple before us would give up the 9th floor unit so that Joshua and I could have that flat.


Well, we got the 7th floor in the end. Cause.. you know why. But seems like she wasn't too happy about it.
But I'm still happy that I got the unit I want.
Anyway, I do have some height, level 7 is good.
Just waiting for what's next. Muahaha =)

The ENd! ----

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