
Friday, October 29, 2010

A Surprise from Joshua!

I'm having frequent surprises from Joshua.

Yesterday, Joshua got us a OTO power tap!
Seeing that I'm always having backaches on mondays after I do the cleaning up. =)
Hehe, plus myself almost getting a massage from OTO myself but the shop at Heartland mall had moved.
So, it was not destined to be.

But, Joshua bought a second hand OTO power tap for only $100!
See! This is what you can get online!
Just to let you know, no warrenty. Yeah..

And today, Joshua sent a message to me, saying that he has a surprise for me!

Now, that I'm back home, I found Sasha, with a card on her hand, sitting on POPCORNS! ON MY TABLE! =)

WEE!!!! It is our favourite POPCORN? Did Joshua actually go all the way to Sentosa to get it? Or is it finally open at Citilink?

Hmm..something tells me that he actually went to Sentosa!


Thursday, October 21, 2010

Love is Life. Without love, we miss out on life.

Dear all! We are going on a trip to Malaysia! Austin Hills! Yuppie! Is our first holiday together with Ginzy.
 After Church, teaching O'level mathematics..I was quite stun that I can still do them. In fact, with speed. All I did was to read what I had learnt and immediately, without thinking much, I know what to do in order to solve the questions. To the extent that I was not exactly teaching but wanting to solve as many questions as possible. There is this excitment bubbling out of me. I think I should give Maths Tuition to Primary and Secondary as a second job. So..who wants me to teach you mathematics? I love solving problems! =)

Joshua had plan the itinerary for the day. So cool! I don't have to scratch my head when he ask me where I wanna eat. Cause I will have no clue. As long as I have no cravings, I will have no clue where I wanna eat. Make sense right? Because only when you have a craving, then you will know what you wanna eat. If not, you will only know what you don't wanna eat.

So he brought me to far far away..Bukit Timah area..since we are heading to Tuas checkpoint.
 The shop is called Bar Bar..
I had mushroom burger with the other half of the plate filled with French Fries!
Seriously, it was TOO MUCH FOOD!
I can't believe I actually manage to almost finish it.
What a Task!
But, it was delicious! Yum Yum! I like the Fries.
Definitely better than KFC and Ikea's fries. (Needless to say)
and Peri Peri fries @ Nandos.
Well, I believe they can improve their French Fries by making it Peri Peri fries too! Then it will be awesome!
Just a suggestion, think about it.
 After which, we headed to Tuas checkpoint and navigated with the help of Joshua's super simplified map found online as well as his GPRS on his Nokia handphone.
The map that he gave me is extremely simplified. In fact, too simplified!
So scary. For a moment, I thought that we were gonna get lost!
But luckily, we or I should say, majority is Joshua, managed to find the place and got there in one peace.
One thing I definitely know - how to get to Jusco from Austin Hills.
 We rested for a while in the huge room! I prefer the previous room we had the last time we went there, when there wasn't any parting between the 'living room' and the 'bed room' as it looked much more spacious. This one, was just big. But not spacious enough for me. Haha.. Ok. It is definitely much more spacious than my third storey! So, I shall be contented, (now that I'm in my tiny room). =)

We relied on the GPRS again to bring us to this Permas Go-Kart somewhere at Plengtong.
Seriously got lost! And I was trying my best to look for the words GO-KART!
Hardly anyone speak English...
Guess what? Their sign is actually like a A4 size, with a huge picture and small words..
No wonder it is so hard to find!
And, we had no clue that it is beyond the reach of GPRS map..
No idea that hey! you will seem lost but actually you will be on the right track if you are actually driving through a small village and through a long a narrow road for quite a while before you reach.

Thankfully we reach just in time to Go-Kart 2 rounds before they close. If not, wasted effort and it rained the next day.
Here are the pictures!
 Joshua fully satisfied that he found the place. Excited to do some speed driving...
 Us, just before we Go-Kart
 My tiny car, with a cushion. I like the cushion. Made my drive much more comfortable.
 Joshua perspiring. Waiting to go his second round on a faster car and I can't help but say, he crashed it. Muahaha...
In the end he had back pain and we got a Tiger Balm patch to stick on his back.

 Lesson learnt: to wear glasses. Because mini stones will fly and hit your face and eyes as you are driving.
 Joshua far far away.
 Joshua. Took over one of his opponents

 Back from his last round. And it was dark. The last round of the day.
 Just remember, turn left just before this building..and you will be on your way...

Next stop, we went to Jusco!
Head to the top floor and window shopped for a restaurant to eat.
I picked TangShiFu and Joshua agreed to eat.
I love the concept of selling herbal stuffs, wine and having a restaurant at the same time. Looks really cool and awesome!
 Love the atmosphere, the design, the menu. I DEFINITELY LOVE their TABLE TOP! It has such pleasant and good looking colour! I must have a table that is something like that for the new house! =)

 Flower tea and appetizer

 YUM! Already feeling healthy and norished.
 Then the main course.

 It was too yummy to resist, I just had to put my camera down and eat! Every mouth full tasted awesome!
To what extent? the extent that it is worth publishing it in magazines (MORE THAN THAT)
To the extent for having SUPER LONG QUEUES? (MORE THAN THAT)
* Luckily, there wasn't any long queue.

Is to THE EXTENT that WOW! This is what emperors and empresses, princes and princess eat last time!


It is royalty Food!

Yet, it does not taste expensive like shark fins and all..

Somehow, the food's essence is brought out to taste.

Definitely a recommendation!
I just hope that they will not drop their standard like many others when they expand.

Please don't. Don't disappoint me.

The next day...

Time for swimming! =)
Checkout and we had Ice cream at Jusco,
before watching the Reign of Assassins!

I love the ending. Happily ever after. The fighting way..

To Peri Peri Chicken for Lunch.
Juicy, soft and tender chicken. Awesome.

Still, cannot be comparable to TangShiFu.
But it is definitely one of the better food out there..

And I must say, that's the end of our Brilliant Trip to Malaysia.
Thank you, Joshua..for making things better.

I was reading a quote today.

It goes something like that.

It says, Love is life. Without love, we miss out on life.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

A Rose to Brighten my Day.

 The rose is not blue. It is Purple.
It made my day a better day. =)
Thank you Joshua.