
Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Mood disrupted

Lets just say that i started my day bright and cheerful cause i thought that after a hard time of mugging, i would get to enjoy myself with my boyfriend and also the next day, i could sleep until i feel like waking up but then..guess what i gotta work tml!! DAMMIT! freak! i was so hoping that i don't needa work tml cause she havent gave the schedule yet for the month of november..haha tml is november..and ok i did give yesterday as the day that i can work last minute lah!! So mood spoiler can!! Dammit!! And right now, im shivering cold studying at esplanade..despite putting on a jacket. Why is it so cold here?maybe it is getting late that's why..anyway after the gotta work tml sms, i got another sms from boyfriend..saying that he is meeting his cousin at ps tonight. guess pretty much not meeting me le i mean look at the is 6 already..can't believe that i actually brought the cookies out so that i could pass it to him when i 'meet him later'..but come to think of it..what is the point? just to pass him the box of cookies? dammit i feel like eating it myself le since im hungry and right now there is pretty much nothing to look forward to le after mugging for so hard. Dammit!!

And realizing that i still have tones of work to do which suck pretty much...ok. relax girl. Gotta be energetic work and gotta study thai for friday's test. okok, i know.

Saturday, October 27, 2007


well, i have been studying today!! surprised?! haha ok lah. People will say that this your duty! you are expected to do that! but you know no harm in praising makes me feel better and more motivated to work harder!!

yes come monday, 2 projects will be done! then left 2 more essays. Sucks! i hate essays!!! but now must psycho myself to like it cause you know, exams is about essays and my 2 assignments are essays too!!

yup yup i'm now at leroy's place..both of them experimenting to cook dory fish and potato..while i had my porridge for lunch one for dinner cause i think i really needa take care of my voice and rid of that illness that have been sticking to me for the past week!! First with the irritating itching sore throat on weekends then come the never ending flu on monday which really made me felt disgusted with myself and germy..then with the lost of voice..low and deep..accompanied by phlegm and 'swollen' throat effect..still, i had to carry on with presentations and school too..argh!! now feeling better but still the phlegm is not leaving!! Get OUTTA ME!! haha..well, there is this voice practical coming and i do not wish to be stuck with this blocked voice during the practical!! if not i think i will be marked down. So i have been drinking warm water, eating fact, i think im sick of porridge more for least no more for today..

Miko and i met up at sengkang to study..thankfully i have her as my study partner if not, i dont think i can ever get to work! haha but of course we will delay here and there lah..whenever we say meet at this time to study, we kinda like be at least 2 hours late? Not to worry though when we get down to work we really do!!

Oh by the way!! yesterday during lecture of TS3235, we 'celebrated' Dr Seet birthday..haha. Daniel baked the brownie cake, and Yong Huey did the topping and decoration..oh oh!! She baked stawberry Muffins too!! WOOHOO!! As a member og their project group, i got the luxary of having stawberry muffins and brownie treats!! hehe..Bake more guys! your treats are delicious!! or should i say in thai--aroy maak maak!! haha..okok, tml gotta do some editing for Singapore Film..yucks..but thank God for Siwei he is the best in this kinda filming stuff. If not, i really don't know what to do..

uploading photos soon..guess they finish cooking le..smells...hmm..i can't describe it. haha..
Starting to do project work.
Daniel, Ryan, and Yong Huey..but too bad joie didnt come..
We celebrated Dr Seet's birthday!! hehe..nice right? the cake..yummy!!
Cutting the cake
In class
And giving out..
Then come saturday..Miko and i went to MOS burger to study

And baby came to find me!! sweet right? just to watch me study..

And there was a little girl who 'peeped' at us doing work..
And took photos just before miko head for home

And she said must show the notes in the picture as evidence..
And then i went to Leroy's place to watch Apocalypto..was pretty tensed when i watch the movie..and it was so sad!!
And then we played 'RA' w leroy and his brother-lionel.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

I wish I wish

You know what i've suddenly got this ''revelation'' haha..i now know that i wanna be a ''Korean girl!'' But of course a large factor is their language. I'm really attacted by their language. Really expressive.

Anyway..hmm, i have been sick but come to think of it it is pretty good! except for the constant itching throat and flu..but it is a signal saying..REST!!! So i've been giving my body rest and time to heal.. yup!! oh have i told you i went to the doctor at YIH and it took freaking long just to see the 50 min and i was like the 4th person doctor is really inefficient..other people who came later than me got their medicine before i got to see her face!!! so by the time when i finally get to see her i was pretty pissed off. make a sick girl wait.

haha anyway, i really like this video!! So touching!!!

Sunday, October 21, 2007

I don't know how to describe this but it looks disgusting!!! My poor baby got the explosion of those stuff again which was why he went to hospital the other time..anyway, this one looks really bad..

As for me, i'm sick too. With the sore throat. Feeling really uncomfortable..wishing for a time to rest. but then again..i realise exams are coming and i needa consolidate my work..haha..and i got work at red bull too!! But thank God that for next month, i can just pick 4 days..if not i don't think i'll be able to handle all the rubbish. So.. pray for me ok! :) haha..and for baby too. that we will get well..

Can't wait for holidays! seriously..i wanna take a break!!!!!!

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

So what have i been up to??

Well, basically..BUSY!! wah seh..year 2 is really different from year 1. So busy!! So many project!! worse thing is that..all datelines come at one work at redbull..stretched to the max..And all i want is more sleep!! in my dream world to let my body really breathe, relax, and for my soul to catch up!!! haha..okok..anyway i think it is a good idea to faster blog if one will visit my blog le..cause i dont even visit it!!! haha..

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

tired..ok talk about it later..

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

pl funfair!!

Ah!! irritating still got something wrong w it..give me some time i will go fix it