
Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Mood disrupted

Lets just say that i started my day bright and cheerful cause i thought that after a hard time of mugging, i would get to enjoy myself with my boyfriend and also the next day, i could sleep until i feel like waking up but then..guess what i gotta work tml!! DAMMIT! freak! i was so hoping that i don't needa work tml cause she havent gave the schedule yet for the month of november..haha tml is november..and ok i did give yesterday as the day that i can work last minute lah!! So mood spoiler can!! Dammit!! And right now, im shivering cold studying at esplanade..despite putting on a jacket. Why is it so cold here?maybe it is getting late that's why..anyway after the gotta work tml sms, i got another sms from boyfriend..saying that he is meeting his cousin at ps tonight. guess pretty much not meeting me le i mean look at the is 6 already..can't believe that i actually brought the cookies out so that i could pass it to him when i 'meet him later'..but come to think of it..what is the point? just to pass him the box of cookies? dammit i feel like eating it myself le since im hungry and right now there is pretty much nothing to look forward to le after mugging for so hard. Dammit!!

And realizing that i still have tones of work to do which suck pretty much...ok. relax girl. Gotta be energetic work and gotta study thai for friday's test. okok, i know.

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