
Wednesday, October 24, 2007

I wish I wish

You know what i've suddenly got this ''revelation'' haha..i now know that i wanna be a ''Korean girl!'' But of course a large factor is their language. I'm really attacted by their language. Really expressive.

Anyway..hmm, i have been sick but come to think of it it is pretty good! except for the constant itching throat and flu..but it is a signal saying..REST!!! So i've been giving my body rest and time to heal.. yup!! oh have i told you i went to the doctor at YIH and it took freaking long just to see the 50 min and i was like the 4th person doctor is really inefficient..other people who came later than me got their medicine before i got to see her face!!! so by the time when i finally get to see her i was pretty pissed off. make a sick girl wait.

haha anyway, i really like this video!! So touching!!!

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