
Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Children camp

Miss me??
well i know i've went MIA for a long long time but...busy lah

Like children camp..seriously..a few kids is good and fun and adorable..
but 5o of them can kill me
and i think after that i started having headaches and fell sick after that..for a short while..haha..
so i've learnt that..i can't be some kindergarden teacher..

which is good to know..

well, this is just one..still got some more but the uploading thingy problem argh!!! irritating..

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Children Camp Day 1

describe it?

hmm, from whose point of view?

Well, let me see..

Noisy, screams laughing..

there was a birthday singing..and!!

My labtop crashed!! But now it seems to be working fine i think

Haiz..pls don't die on me..

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Sikuan birthday

Oh my GOSH! I can't believe it i finally finish uploading all the photos..wah seh..Anyway, I'm having children camp from wednesday to Friday while babe will be stuck in camp, outfield having some course again. :( gonna miss him badly anyway, something for all of you out there..

SiKuan's birthday..and I actually wore heels!! you have no idea how tiring my leg was, walking aroung Orchard Road the whole afternoon with babe and Nic and Don, i think my leg can break into 2..haiz..can't stand the pain wearing heels yet i'm short..if only i was taller wahaha..well. short is good also lah but as long as you look young..:)

Ok so first up will be the video..took whatever i can with my camera and its battery life. So enjoy!!

You know, the last part of the video is super like as though he was so drunk that he couldn't figure out that it is really water..and not alcohol

Ok this is babe and me..taking a cineleisure
ok Not all of them are liquor..the white and rasberry contains WATER while the black and the transparent one is liquor..So Sikuan kinda got tricked..but anyway i think he look and talk funny when he is drunk..i kept laughing and couldn't stop

All these photos got all his friends and family but i dunno lot of them just that my camera was used since theirs had full memory

And isn't the cake cute!! like for little boys..the children at sunday school camp saw it and were like wah!!! So NICE!! So CUTE!!..

His family

Maris Stella

With their girlfriends
And I think i look fat in that dress..ok lah more plump

If you can see the cups form the number 21 and they are a mixture of liquor and punch

As you can see the process, he got more and more drunk,

OK! That's all!!