
Wednesday, December 5, 2007

It's the holidays

Well, holidays! finally! I have been waiting for this day since October!!
Well, other than having some fun, it is good to have some make over!!
Like repainting one side of my room wall, erm, punk my hair up with colours..
which means, highlighting my hair..i'm thinking unusual colours..

Anyway, it has been raining the whole day didnt stop. not even for 5 min..wonder how is my babe doing out there outfield..anyway, since i'm kinda like stuck at homne due to this rain..and watching Saving Private Ryan.. it has been a long time since i last watched it.

And i had a crush on one of the recalling, i think it was Jackson the character in it..the sniper! But he the show. So i would come up with an alternative story where he doesn't die.. Now i'm wondering why i had a liking for him..And there is this stupid irritating coward guy in the story who survives in the end..huh..don't like him..and just know how to talk about rules ARGH! So angry with him cause he could have save some the soldiers but he freaking coward off!!! Ok..

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