
Sunday, December 2, 2007

What constitutes maturity?

Maturity..what should you talk about?

Shares? or "Enchanted"?
Of course shares lah right?!! that's what many of you will think..
But base on what?
Because many adults talk about shares and children talks about fairytales?
And Adults are definitely more mature than children?

Well, that's where you are wrong.

what do you think about?
Making money.
To get rich!
Attaining the lifestyle you want
Seems like a good long term goal right.

what do you think about?
to live happily ever after..
but it goes further.
Enchanted appropriates fantasy's 'happily ever after' to reality.
That it can exist in reality, the life you are living in right now.

Now, which is more practical?
Does attaining the lifestyle you want gurantees happiness?
Or does living happily ever after under whatever circumstances gurantees happiness?

So, who is more mature now?
Which is more practical for the soul?
to cloud your mind with money, or with happiness.
To work in a small stall of yours, enjoying the moment or talking about speculation of which shares to buy?

Time will not wait for you.
I choose to live happily ever after in whatever circumstance

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