
Saturday, January 24, 2009

I fell again!

I have broke my life time record. I believe.
Twice in a month. And this month has not ended.
First was on the 2nd Jan.
TODAY! 24th Jan. I fell again.
Both on skates.
But a different reason.
Wounded but not as bad as the other time.
At this rate, I'm wondering will I be immune to pain?
Anyway, the first time, I fell on my left side.
This time, I fell on my right side. So, no wounds on wounds.
Just more scars.

I still have difficulty believing it. But at least now, I have my iodine to apply. Not afraid to use water to wash afterall the previous was much worse.

How I fell. You must want to know.
Ok. At east coast park, there are all these huge seeds on the road. Yup. I didn't know why, I didn't notice. My blades hit one of them, I believe directly on my first wheel which basically stuck my entire flow and I fell.
I was in shock, partly because I'm wounded. You always get shock first before you feel the pain. But more of because I can't believe I just fell again!!!
I can't believe I'm so accident prone.
I must admit I am now!!!
I need to get guards now. I can't afford to ruin my skin like that!

Another thing, I may not be changing church so soon afterall.
Perhaps the time is not up yet.
Anyway, I'm sensing a revival in my church. So till then..God knows when. =)

Another note. Claris and I don't seem to be that close though we sleep in the same room. What should I do?


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