
Wednesday, April 21, 2010


Haven't been blogging at all. Makes me wonder what I have been doing..

Today, I went to work as usual, but i got a kind of short tempered today. Hot and Cold.
Think my mum sensed it and she inquisitively asked me if I was happy working here, meanwhile, having an agenda on her mind. I guess, she was testing if she could keep me even after next year.

As for me, I have been browsing some other sites and looking for future jobs to be in, after the one year contract. Thinking what should I be working as. Seems like my mum really wants me in. Saying that, it will be your business you know..(Sounds like she already has someone in mind to hand down to..)
The thing not really my kind of thing exactly. The more I work, the more I daydream about expanding the business somehow..It hit me that doing my business is not something I do like. Of course at some point of time, people hope to have a business, something to call their own..just that, is not exactly my thing.

Well, I have no idea that is my thing. Only, watching too much fairytales when I was young..all i think was finding the one.

Right now? I'm' thinking of Joshua. Now that he is in ICT, I miss his presence. Think I took him for granted at times etc..wanna embrace him tightly. He sent me a message saying, " We are on the same side of the moon." Which was a great comfort for me. Thank you Joshua. You are always such a Sweet Heart. =)

What do I do with my Life?
I live it.


Thursday, April 1, 2010


I think I'm so ah!!!!

Can't believe it! I actually finish my Twenties Girl Book!
I'm beginning to believe that I can include READING as my hobby!
Ok. All along, I dislike English. I dislike reading.
Which you already know..

Well, maybe that's why, I'm placed in my life..
In a English Enrichment Centre, so totally exposed to English and English Native Speaking Teachers..looking through all those English materials, reading up "Compositions of the Month"
*They are really good!

Finally, I'm beginning to grasp the concept of the English language. At the age of 22.
It is so intriguing, going through the process, I'm actually drawn by the concept of teaching English language. Haha..I may become a teacher! Ok. Been telling myself, only young kids. Only Young kids.

So, perhaps with all the English going all around my head, and with my very favourite author - Sophie Kinsella, I love reading now!

Ok. So maybe it is only Sophie Kinsella. I like her style. Maybe I will start to explore new books by different authors..To test, if I'm really having reading as a hobby.