
Wednesday, November 28, 2007


Wah lao, keeping burping today..usually happens when the journey is exptremely jerky hint hint..To bus drivers of course..All Singaporeans should understand what I is just how bad the jerk is. Seriously, they should improve their stopping skills..I mean they have been driving and driving..I wonder why their skils do not improve..Losing balance on the bus is one thing but sometimes the jerking..wahlao, cannot take it!! I know some of you say then don't take bus lah..but you know, i got no choice..funding issue..

Sometimes, I really feel like puking..and if one should puke in the bus, I do not think that it is the person fault but rather the bus driver's fault..haha..

Anyway, after a long examination, and a long ride on bus 10 to Harbour Front..I had to burp out all my excess air to prevent accumululation that will lead to real puke..eww..

Interestingly, the train today is also jerky!!!NEL what happen to you?? is it the rain? the stop was much drastic as compared to normal..for every station till serangoon and even in the middle of between stations..hmm...

And had to catch another bus before I reach my house busstop..more jerking..

*burp!* See! I'm still buring out the air!!! Gosh..Accumulation of excess air = number of halts made, = no of when busstops before destination and train station, plus number of traffic lights that turn red, and stopping in the middle of nowhere..Why not you try taking the journey will know what I mean..

You will feel bloated after the trip I assure you!! Hunger reduced dramatically Why? because you have eaten up too much air!! not to mention the want to puke.

Ok enough of puking...

I just finished my third paper. 2 more to go!! WOOHOO!!
This paper, well, I find that I wrote more fluently than the other..points in my head already? haha i also not sure lah..Don't wanna reflect on it. Just needa create more brain space for notes of two other modules..

OK!! hmm, should i continue studying??

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