
Friday, February 8, 2008

Happy Rat Year!!

Happy Rat Year people!! Feels good to blog!! especially when you have been interuppted. But whatever lah. now can blog can le!!! : ) hehe..Oh first to wish you all a prosperous and enoyable rat year alright!!!

Oh, guess where i'm blogging now? in my da jie's room. Can't believe it. I kinda like got 'kicked out' of my very own room. Dunno why, people just like to keep coming to my room. Like Claris, sleeping in my room since forever and though she has a huge bed, much bigger bed in her room, she chose to sleep on a mattress in my room. And my elder sister? to study in my room. Got her own table and chair in her room, et she wants to study in my room. Wonder what kind of attraction power my room has. haha..

Thinking about it, i really spend a lot of effort and money investing in my room. And of course, thanks to all those free labour who helped me..haha thanks a lot. Trying to make my room the perfect room..with whatever buget and constrains..think i did it too successful now attracting people to my room. yup.

Now, for the chinese new year updates..

Firstly, i shall introduce her! Her name is money who is super adorable, cute and loves to eat food. In fact, she is quite picky about food and only likes to play with you especially when you are having some yummylicious stuff in your hand. sneaky.

Sabrina and me. My youngest cousin. hmm, actually, i only have one cousin from my mother's side.

And claris just keep taking the shots..

Now, who is this girl!! keep using my camera to take pictures of herself!! none other than claris koh herself!!!

Haha, are you getting enough of her? she super like to take shots of herself. As proven..Finally, my turn to have a shot with my 3rd sister..

My da jie was busy counting her so much!!! anyway, she say now she may not be able to get the air stewardess job le cause of her backbone is curved..haiz..then i tell so many pple she got the job already..but never mind still got chance. They haven made their final decision yet.

Lastly, leroy came over for dinner last minute. Had dinner with the whole big big family. Oh by the way!!! i'm wearing a new shirt!! What do you think? Zai not?
OK, my mum is rushing me to get ready le..gotta go to my grandma place.

Surprise to see us a couple? Well, some of you may say that 2 have always been a couple. Some of you know what i was in a prety bad crisis. And now, we are still a couple. the thing i'm wondering it because of the festive season that helped us through? Chinese new year, coming up and his birthday..or our family who already treated us like their own? You know what? not both. Now, he treats me for certain that i'm his girl. hah! Like all of a sudden right?! yup, after i started daoing him and he sensed something amiss. He kinda changed for the better. So, no one is perfect. Give it another chance. Cause i know that i'm his girl. His treasured girl. One more shot. And lets see how things will turn out.

Haiz..second time to get interrupted. When can i finish this post!!!! my mummy is rushing me..and she dont look very please. Ok tata, will get back to this asap..yup.

Okie dokie! 3rd time hopefully no more disturbance. Went with my mum to fair price and cold storage to buy food..and i was thinking..hmm..why am i the only daughter with my mum pushing the trolley. out of all the girls. hmm..anyway, we bought too much stuff and had not enough hands and strength so in the end gotta call for back up. claris. ok better get back to blogging . got peace finally since my mum is out mjing, da jie out too and so is cheryl. As for me? i'm going for baking session soon with yong huey. and i think steve is daoin me. claris playing with the teddy bears and disturbing me..other than that, i think it is pretty peaceful.
Well, Chinese New Year, we always gamble..and..haiz, i won like 50 bucks plus and lost what i won the next day. So i decided not to play anymore. Enough is enough. But this year, did pretty little gambling..

So before i continue the blogging, let me entertain you with some videos.
HAHA! Miko, you are not the only Avril lavigne fann here..

You're not alone
Together we stand
I'll be by your side, you know I'll take your hand
When it gets cold
And it feels like the end
There's no place to go
You know I won't give in
No I won't give in

Keep holding on
'Cause you know we'll make it through, we'll make it through
Just stay strong
'Cause you know I'm here for you, I'm here for you
There's nothing you could say
Nothing you could do
There's no other way when it comes to the truth
So keep holding on
'Cause you know we'll make it through, we'll make it through

So far away
I wish you were here
Before it's too late, this could all disappear
Before the doors close
And it comes to an end
With you by my side I will fight and defend
I'll fight and defend
Yeah, yeah

Keep holding on
'Cause you know we'll make it through, we'll make it through
Just stay strong
'Cause you know I'm here for you, I'm here for you
There's nothing you could say
[Keep Holding On lyrics on]

Nothing you could do
There's no other way when it comes to the truth
So keep holding on
'Cause you know we'll make it through, we'll make it through

Hear me when I say, when I say I believe
Nothing's gonna change, nothing's gonna change destiny
Whatever's meant to be will work out perfectly
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah

La da da da
La da da da
La da da da da da da da da

Keep holding on
'Cause you know we'll make it through, we'll make it through
Just stay strong
'Cause you know I'm here for you, I'm here for you
There's nothing you could say
Nothing you could do
There's no other way when it comes to the truth
So keep holding on
'Cause you know we'll make it through, we'll make it through

Keep holding on
Keep holding on

There's nothing you could say
Nothing you could do
There's no other way when it comes to the truth
So keep holding on
'Cause you know we'll make it through, we'll make it through

aw..nice right! I love her wedding. Her dress. Is so sweet! like a fairytale. That reminds me..i just watched CInderella 3. about how she and her prince still managed to get married again despite her stepmother's horrible and despicable actions. Is like, when it comes to true love, you have to fight for it. Not just saying, if it is meant to be, it is meant to be. You have to do something about it.

As for this video, my cousins and i watched it before dinner. They say he has such charming voice and i totally agree! Go Paul!!

Hmm, and come to ktv last a pretty tramatic experience for my ears especially siwei who keeps ahouting into the mike. Once or twice it was funny..after a few times, it started gtting me sick..wait..where is my MP3!!! think my da jie took it. anyway, i didn't sing..cause i was just comapnying them and they kept pestering me to pick a song to voice is not just for anyone to hear one hor..haha..ok lah that's all for now..nothing much to say cause i fell asleep during the ktv thingy..was tired.

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