
Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Relax people

Thanks for your concern. But!! There is nothing wrong with me. i'm just wondering like..why would people online just pop out this question "you ok not? my 6th sense tells me that you are not ok." the messages were about the same meaning lah.
And got some sms too..asking me the same thing..

maybe changing the blog address is a factor..
but i think now should be no problem le bah. can find my blog now right? I just changed the way i will delete my blog. The immense effort i put into this not so cool way i will delete it ok.

it is just like changing from mr-teddy to littlemissshirley the previous time. :)
so now i changed it to yourgirlfriendscene.


This week is gonna be quite busy bah with projects. And truthfully i'm not so interested in the marketing project. Dreading it but must be a responsible group member. Had been shooting the whole day today..tiring but still i prefer this to marketing. haha..

tml another shoot
thursday make up lecture for stage and screen
friday cut hair and baking session!!

Talking about cutting hair, i wanted to cut something like...

Closer and clearer shot

Really intrigued by this hair cut. longer at the sides though..
hmm, i'm sure i will freak some of you out. Especially leroy. Hair can affect your relationship. And i know that leroy doesn't like me to have shorter hair cause he thinks i look good in long hair. And i wouldn't like the idea of him not wanting to see me cause of my hair..But i'm really tempted to get my hair like this!!

Still still haven got the school mood yet and it is already the mid term break!! haha..well, it feels great though.

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