
Tuesday, November 25, 2008

In the month of November.

Ok, other than school work, I have been going out with Joshua. But now is study break, I'm studying at home since my mummy is starting to complain that she hasn't been seeing me at home. Seeing me at home as in be in the house for hours. So, for now, I'm making full use of the study break to stay at home, to show my mummy that I'm home. So she will not miss me so much. And study in front of her too! Just in case she is wondering if I will be studying outside or playing.

Haha, Ok but since I think I have done much studying le and it is getting bored. I shall post pictures of what I have been doing in november with Joshua. Muahaha.. ok lah.
Right after my exams I shall plan my days to go out with my friends too ok.

Island Creamery. =)
Has the nicest icecream and I love the black forest flavor. Wee!
Thomson Plaza. There is nothing much there?
Well, there are tones of memories there for me since I use to go there for Yamaha and my family will usually eat at swensens which is still there. Antique you know.
And do you know, it is perhaps the only shopping mall I've seen in Singapore so far with bridges linking across levels.

Fish and Co express.

Fish and CO has an express version at Pasir Ris. We found out when we were going to wild wild wet to play. He knew that I wanted to go to wild wild wet especially since I saw on Miko's blog that she went. So now, it was my turn!

OK, I realise that the place is pretty small lah. Not much rides like fantasy island in the past. I wonder will there be another mega fantasy island soon? But at least here is colourful. Uplifts your mood.

Another event recently, a PSA event. I shall not comment on it though. Just in case the wives of PSA workers are worried once I comment. But an advice is that wives, you should join your husbands for their company event no matter how boring you think it is or how you are unable to connect to his friends. At least you know what exactly is going on..

PSA club.

Woohoo! It has a reading corner. A quiet place to study. A good place. Went there to study thai and knowing that it is a fantastic place to study, we decided to go there the next day again. But as you know, I fell ill. And well, not to worry, I have fully recovered today.

And my mummy says that is because I'm stress etc.. But I'm not. SO the reason became, you are unconsciously stress. Hmm..haha gives me reason not to study the whole day then. Muhahaha.. ok lah I'm studying but at a relaxing pace.

OHOH! is this the first time you have seen Sasha?

She is my baby! Well, until the real one comes out which will be like a few years later. What makes me think that my first will be a girl?

After studying, Joshua brought me to this secret 'known' place. At a reservoir. Just to relax. And walk. Thank you!

Ok, back to work =)

Monday, November 24, 2008

I deserve my blogging time

Haven't been updating for a really long time but trust me. My time have been pretty eventful with performances, oral test, editing film and doing lots of essays. I'm fortunate for picking theatre studies as my major. Well, at least, I do not need to face the books from day to day like my elder sister. It is crazy. =)

And I fell sick yesterday.
Tummy pain, a pain which I can't pinpoint the cause.
Usually when I have tummy pain, I will know like if it is indigestion pain or bloated pain but yesterday it felt my tummy was up down left right and confused.
And I got pretty much weak. Imagine, I feel so weak to the point that I can't eat and was like gonna sleep when I was eating cause I realy have noenergy to chew my food. And it took me a long time since I was more of taking many small bites. Trust me, I slept for a long long time though I had an ambitious plan to study my praxis and then do more marketing. In the end, I only finish have the reading for praxis. Phew! I had allocated more time to study today and tomorrow. =) So not so rush.

And you know what was the best thing?
Is to have Joshua right beside me, taking care of me.
Making sure I was ok. Talked to me when I was awake and before I fell into mini 'coma' again.
I can see that he was worried.
And I had to comfort him saying that I was ok.
Well, ok not because I'm not sick but ok because I know I will make it through.
It made my whole day better. =)
I haven't slept for a long time for a long time.
=) Thank you Joshua for being there for me. =)

I shall study today but in a slower pace. =)
Since I just recovered. =)
I realize something. I recover fast now that I'm with Joshua. He made me stronger. =)
Makes sense. It is easier for one to recover when you have someone to take care and be there for you. It gives you more will power to recover. =)

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


Today, i almost blew up. Somehow, while realising that why was i like getting more and more pressurised because of the limited time, and seeing some of my mates like just having fun, I told myself to be like them and then I realise that isn't right! Cause there was no sense of urgency at all and the amount of work we still have to do within the timeframe.
Yup, we should always ought to enjoy ourselves while doing things but really, there needs to be this sense of urgency there. Especially bearing in mind that we have not rehearsed together at all and probably will not have the chance to rehearse again together..
Got me irritated with the lalala and then oh i got to go stuff. Is just..nvm.

So one of my mates really did blew up and I was like cool! At least that was effective which got us going at a faster speed after that. Of course, he eventually apologised about it. But well, he had that sense of urgency which we needed.

I think, in everything we do, we should always be responsible ba and have that sense of urgency even though we are enjoying. If not, it is not right. Yup.

And after the long rehearsal, I'm left with about 30 min to finish my last question of thai and I did it, just needed to rested for awhile. And Cool Down. Be still and waited till 4pm before I left the library for my class.

And reflected. And realise that there are times too when I had not have that sense of urgency when with Joshua.
I guessed that was how he felt like frustrated and affected.
So, one thing to note is to have that sense of responsibility while enjoying myself.
Sorry Joshua.

Yup, it has been a long time since I actually describe myself as being angry. Today, I would describe myself as being angry. And just needed time to be still.
So, by the time, I got to class, all of them were there le.

The class was fun. It got me laughing and my teacher said that I've improved a lot. Which is good. =)

And the stuff about being angry, Well, I can't remember now. Yup.
Is something to just be forgotten.
And move on. =)

More happy things to come! =)

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Monday, November 3, 2008

Pockets of time.

My precious pockets of time. I shall blog. Though I may not be able to post pic for you all and stuff, But Dec. When dec comes. I shall post a full range of photos. That sounds like a long time but I believe that it is gonna be exciting and all so stay tune! haha at least during dec.

Well, I can sense that i'm like gonna fall ill any moment, but I won't allow myself to. Cause this is crucial time!! So I'm fighting back like fight fight fight!!

So Jia You you people out there rushing all your assignments and stuff. =)
We can make it through!