
Tuesday, November 25, 2008

In the month of November.

Ok, other than school work, I have been going out with Joshua. But now is study break, I'm studying at home since my mummy is starting to complain that she hasn't been seeing me at home. Seeing me at home as in be in the house for hours. So, for now, I'm making full use of the study break to stay at home, to show my mummy that I'm home. So she will not miss me so much. And study in front of her too! Just in case she is wondering if I will be studying outside or playing.

Haha, Ok but since I think I have done much studying le and it is getting bored. I shall post pictures of what I have been doing in november with Joshua. Muahaha.. ok lah.
Right after my exams I shall plan my days to go out with my friends too ok.

Island Creamery. =)
Has the nicest icecream and I love the black forest flavor. Wee!
Thomson Plaza. There is nothing much there?
Well, there are tones of memories there for me since I use to go there for Yamaha and my family will usually eat at swensens which is still there. Antique you know.
And do you know, it is perhaps the only shopping mall I've seen in Singapore so far with bridges linking across levels.

Fish and Co express.

Fish and CO has an express version at Pasir Ris. We found out when we were going to wild wild wet to play. He knew that I wanted to go to wild wild wet especially since I saw on Miko's blog that she went. So now, it was my turn!

OK, I realise that the place is pretty small lah. Not much rides like fantasy island in the past. I wonder will there be another mega fantasy island soon? But at least here is colourful. Uplifts your mood.

Another event recently, a PSA event. I shall not comment on it though. Just in case the wives of PSA workers are worried once I comment. But an advice is that wives, you should join your husbands for their company event no matter how boring you think it is or how you are unable to connect to his friends. At least you know what exactly is going on..

PSA club.

Woohoo! It has a reading corner. A quiet place to study. A good place. Went there to study thai and knowing that it is a fantastic place to study, we decided to go there the next day again. But as you know, I fell ill. And well, not to worry, I have fully recovered today.

And my mummy says that is because I'm stress etc.. But I'm not. SO the reason became, you are unconsciously stress. Hmm..haha gives me reason not to study the whole day then. Muhahaha.. ok lah I'm studying but at a relaxing pace.

OHOH! is this the first time you have seen Sasha?

She is my baby! Well, until the real one comes out which will be like a few years later. What makes me think that my first will be a girl?

After studying, Joshua brought me to this secret 'known' place. At a reservoir. Just to relax. And walk. Thank you!

Ok, back to work =)

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