
Wednesday, November 5, 2008


Today, i almost blew up. Somehow, while realising that why was i like getting more and more pressurised because of the limited time, and seeing some of my mates like just having fun, I told myself to be like them and then I realise that isn't right! Cause there was no sense of urgency at all and the amount of work we still have to do within the timeframe.
Yup, we should always ought to enjoy ourselves while doing things but really, there needs to be this sense of urgency there. Especially bearing in mind that we have not rehearsed together at all and probably will not have the chance to rehearse again together..
Got me irritated with the lalala and then oh i got to go stuff. Is just..nvm.

So one of my mates really did blew up and I was like cool! At least that was effective which got us going at a faster speed after that. Of course, he eventually apologised about it. But well, he had that sense of urgency which we needed.

I think, in everything we do, we should always be responsible ba and have that sense of urgency even though we are enjoying. If not, it is not right. Yup.

And after the long rehearsal, I'm left with about 30 min to finish my last question of thai and I did it, just needed to rested for awhile. And Cool Down. Be still and waited till 4pm before I left the library for my class.

And reflected. And realise that there are times too when I had not have that sense of urgency when with Joshua.
I guessed that was how he felt like frustrated and affected.
So, one thing to note is to have that sense of responsibility while enjoying myself.
Sorry Joshua.

Yup, it has been a long time since I actually describe myself as being angry. Today, I would describe myself as being angry. And just needed time to be still.
So, by the time, I got to class, all of them were there le.

The class was fun. It got me laughing and my teacher said that I've improved a lot. Which is good. =)

And the stuff about being angry, Well, I can't remember now. Yup.
Is something to just be forgotten.
And move on. =)

More happy things to come! =)

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