
Monday, November 24, 2008

I deserve my blogging time

Haven't been updating for a really long time but trust me. My time have been pretty eventful with performances, oral test, editing film and doing lots of essays. I'm fortunate for picking theatre studies as my major. Well, at least, I do not need to face the books from day to day like my elder sister. It is crazy. =)

And I fell sick yesterday.
Tummy pain, a pain which I can't pinpoint the cause.
Usually when I have tummy pain, I will know like if it is indigestion pain or bloated pain but yesterday it felt my tummy was up down left right and confused.
And I got pretty much weak. Imagine, I feel so weak to the point that I can't eat and was like gonna sleep when I was eating cause I realy have noenergy to chew my food. And it took me a long time since I was more of taking many small bites. Trust me, I slept for a long long time though I had an ambitious plan to study my praxis and then do more marketing. In the end, I only finish have the reading for praxis. Phew! I had allocated more time to study today and tomorrow. =) So not so rush.

And you know what was the best thing?
Is to have Joshua right beside me, taking care of me.
Making sure I was ok. Talked to me when I was awake and before I fell into mini 'coma' again.
I can see that he was worried.
And I had to comfort him saying that I was ok.
Well, ok not because I'm not sick but ok because I know I will make it through.
It made my whole day better. =)
I haven't slept for a long time for a long time.
=) Thank you Joshua for being there for me. =)

I shall study today but in a slower pace. =)
Since I just recovered. =)
I realize something. I recover fast now that I'm with Joshua. He made me stronger. =)
Makes sense. It is easier for one to recover when you have someone to take care and be there for you. It gives you more will power to recover. =)

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