
Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Life is not a Cinderella Dream

I know life is not a Cinderella Dream. You don't go about dreaming and oneday poof! Prince calls everyone to a ball and he falls in love with you and you 2 marry happily ever after.

It does not work like that in life. Life is hard work. Love is hard work. A house, a wedding and whatever bills that follows after don't come cheap nor is it free and I have to work for it. But so be it. I will work for all the little things and big things that I am to own in the future. And I will work my way and enjoy the rewards and pleasure when those things are no longer a dream but a reality.

But I will not stop dreaming. Still, I believe in hope. It is one thing to get stuck in your dreams and another to lose hope.

I don't know how prince charming exist. Definitely not 'poof' and they are there. It really takes time and molding to be one. And the same applies to become a princess.

What is with this prince and princess thing? Why do so many people wanna be prince and princess?

What is it with me? Grow out of it already!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Thai Project!

I'm so tired. Have been editing all day and I'm done.
But of course of no means acceptable to the most basic standard. But is thai project la. Not movie standard. So, is acceptable to them.

Moreover, this is the fastest done movie ever. 30 min at least and done with shooting in a day and converting and editing in a day.

I am powerful...

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

When I woke up this morning, I thought it was a weekend, Sunday and that I could sleep in. Wonder why I thought I could sleep in on a Sunday. But anyway, I thought I could sleep in but my alarm rang which made me realise that NO! It is Tuesday! And I have a whole lot of work to do!!!
For the past few days, although I have been telling myself that it will be ISN'T OVER!
I have been working all day. Again and again.

Well, tell me about it. And, it will not be ending soon. Because there is a thai project movie which in my opinion, is going to be really long..and needs lots of editing. It will take longer than expected. Hopefully, I can finish, cross fingers, by tml 4pm. The most basic and raw version..Then on Thursday, reach school at 9 to add in the other powerpoint stuffs? I can't do anything right now cause the MDL is close. Hmm..

But look on the bright side!
I finish all my essays!
Anyway, I'd rather do editing than cherning out essays.
Yup Yup!
One more week to go Shirley! Oh no! Still got one more thai essay! Okok.

Do now.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

At the arts house.

Not that I want to be at the arts house.
BUT I have to.
I really can't wait for this thing to end like seriously.
It is becoming a pain and an irritating thing that I just want to get over and done with.
Then I can finally focus on my school work like my thai! Which I really wanna make my teacher proud after being a bad student for so long.
Also right,
When this whole thing is over, I wonder what we will be celebrating for.
Is it because it is over? Or is it because it is because it is a success?
As for me personally and truthfully, I will truely be glad because it is over!
This burden that have been dragging on for months since the devasting audition.
But I shall not talk about it in details yet.
All shows are almost sold out! Which is great!
When it is over, I will pur out everything. Or should I wait until my grades are out?
Nah. I think I will have better things to blog about next time.
Who cares right?
Ok gonna do my thai homework le.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Beauty of it all

I had been wanting to blog but have not had the time to. In a way, I had sacrifice my personal time of relfection or blogging since I am not being objective. Hate journals.

I want to blog about my life. Remember the good.
I went to Thailand thankfully which I am so grateful for till now. The memories kept me going.

Will I have a graduation trip?
Hmm, I don't even have money yet! Want to go trip le.

I know some of you have found jobs already and I have yet to apply for a job yet. But I will.

My plan, is to have a part time job while being able to pass my grade 8 and do my stunts.
Focus on the movie that is still in the process of editing. Siwei is really awesome. His ability to endure is wah!

And so, off to the airport early in the morning. Joshua had bought a national geographic magazine.
Till date, I am beginning to observe that I am awake for 9pm shows but easily falls asleep when the news comes on.
Is hard but am learning and my chinese is suppose to improve when i do watch more.
Ok. I do not know why now all the pictures are so small when I keep uploading them. This is what happens when you are tired. Errors happen.
Still memories remain. The good and the bad. But I chose to remember the good.
My first holiday trip with Joshua and family. Whole family.

Bangkok! the thai words means take bag.

I was amuse by all the thai words because I can actually read some of them. It was so cool to be able to know another language. Haha.

Their MRT station.

At MBK. We did not go to the building opposite that would have sold much more interesting things but just around MBK, where Joshua bought his luggage after much scouting and walking around. Still, we found out later that at Chatuchat or the night market would have sold a lot more cheaper easily.

At night, when everyone was tired and sleeping, and had decided not to go to the night market, Joshua and I travelled to a night market. And into a pub to have dinner. Though I was tired, I was hungry too!

And it was only after awhile did we realise that we are in a gay bar. Hello. I was like the only girl there.

Joshua is just amaze by the cheap beer that got him pretty excited.
And we took tuk tuk back to hotel since we miss the last train. It was an experience. But to let you all know. taxi is cheaper there. okok
Tuk tuk is all about the experience. And cab is about the comfort of aircon thus tuk tuk is more expensive.

Come the next day.
Breakfast. I had a good sleep by the way. In fact, I still miss the hotel bed and pillow. And indirectly I am admiting that my bed at home is not as good as the hotel one. Yup. Is the truth. Plus my house is so hot.

I am so going to stay in a flat the next time with lots of windows. I believe that it will be much more cooling. And install aircon in my bedroom only. haha.

Hmm, but when will I be staying in a flat? Actually, abit BHB. But I think I look good!

My breakfast. yum yum. I dont give myself time to enjoy breakfast when I'm in Singapore which is why I always enjoy holiday.

First is to rest. Second is to eat. Third, you don't have work bugging you.

We went to Chatuchat to shop. It is really big. I always had the impression that it will always be stuffy and hot. But nope. When I went, it was pretty cooling. Or perhaps, we were lucky to have such a good weather.

We bought some stuff. Yup we did. Anyway, I only change 100bucks to thai baht since I do not have much money. That reminds me NUS owes me money and refuses to return me money!!! Must wait so long.

OH! I love the coconut icecream. It is extremely delicious. We should definitely have this in Singapore.

Come night, we had dinner with my aunt and uncle who were staying in bangkok. Fabulous Chinese restaurant. And I love chaa nom yen. OK it means tea with milk that is cold. It is extremely sweet to my liking but of course, means i have to drink water too lah.

yuppie got big photos le!
Next day we flew to phuket.

And on the bus. Towards Sugar Palm. The resort where we will be staying. I love the place. In fact, I want my future room to look something like sugar palm!

Still on the way.

I love this rose. So did lots of others. Looks like they were thinking i'm a happy girl who is loved by Joshua. haha.

I spoted hardrock cafe hotel or somesort as the bus drove pass and immediately took a photo of it.
Look! Endless sea. This is what I'm talking about. In Singapore, you will see ships! OK.

Tadah! The room! This is what I'm talking about. My room looking like this. Open concept! Haha! Can see the toilet inside!!
I like the bed and pillow and simple set up. Can you spot Sasha?
Neh! Don't worry there is the shades where you can pull down and cannot see anything. But I think this is so cool!

One of the bags I bought. A radio bag.
And we went to the nearby market to walk around since it was getting late and there was no point in going to the beach. Gonna wait until the next day.

Joshua got so interested in these insect snacks and took photos of it. And evn video on his camera.

Will you dare to eat? I for sure do not!

And lookie! There were pets for sale!

They look extremely cute. BUT I cant bring them to Singapore. Even if I did manage to smuggle them back. I don't think I can pass the stage of my mum's! Haha.

And a 'swim' or rather soacking session at the pool just outside our room!!!
Ohh! I love the lays! Seaweed flavor.
Why is there no seaweed flavor in Singapore?

I look good dont I for the picture above.
Oh and the orange shades Joshua is wearing. I lost it to the waves of Phuket! Super strong! Hit me and no more shades.

And home the next day. Well, I love the thailand trip especially phuket!