
Tuesday, April 14, 2009

When I woke up this morning, I thought it was a weekend, Sunday and that I could sleep in. Wonder why I thought I could sleep in on a Sunday. But anyway, I thought I could sleep in but my alarm rang which made me realise that NO! It is Tuesday! And I have a whole lot of work to do!!!
For the past few days, although I have been telling myself that it will be ISN'T OVER!
I have been working all day. Again and again.

Well, tell me about it. And, it will not be ending soon. Because there is a thai project movie which in my opinion, is going to be really long..and needs lots of editing. It will take longer than expected. Hopefully, I can finish, cross fingers, by tml 4pm. The most basic and raw version..Then on Thursday, reach school at 9 to add in the other powerpoint stuffs? I can't do anything right now cause the MDL is close. Hmm..

But look on the bright side!
I finish all my essays!
Anyway, I'd rather do editing than cherning out essays.
Yup Yup!
One more week to go Shirley! Oh no! Still got one more thai essay! Okok.

Do now.

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