
Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Home Cook Food, Family and Skate

It has been a long while since I actually cook real food. Not Maggie Mee. Out of the blue, I decided to cook Joshua a delicious meal, sincerely from the bottom of my heart. The fact is, I can't actually cook. The last real cooking I did was probably in Secondary School while studying Home Econs..
Whatever the case is, I was determined to do one meal. I definitely need to start now, if I want to be cooking in the future. Why wasn't my ambition to be a good cook? I started at 4pm and cooked till about 6.30pm and looks successfully done - Choco Mousse, Paprika Chicken and Spag.

Things I learnt: I should not follow the receipe book word for word. I should actually taste the food. And I believe that the chicken could have been much tastier, the choco mousse should have been less sweet and I must remember to add a little olive oil and salt when cooking Spag.
Joshua said it was pretty good for my first time. But also, I need to thank my mum for showing me where the ingredients were and helping me look at the food to at least make sure that the food comes out cooked. Haha..I definitely need experience. And guess what, my meal is more expensive than going to Ikea to eat. We should have just gone to Ikea and enjoy the Christmas Hot plate. Haha..But with experience, I'm sure my food will taste much better than Ikea! In time to come...
It is great having to spend time with family, on a relaxing day in december. I had the opportunity to have lunch with my mum and cheryl. =) My mum had won in her MJ game the previous night and finally had a little spare cash to eat "nicer" food. Well, I still like the chicken rice at Kovan. But we do need a little variety.

I had to order my Beef noodles and Green Curry. Those are the 2 I have to eat when I go to a thai restaurant.

Other than Thai Food, I had the luxary to eat Italian food. The thing is, it is Italian food by Japanese. =)
Located at Clarke Quay.

Saizeriva. They have this drink bar and we can just re-fill lots of drinks over and over again. Super FILLING! Drinks and food. YUM YUM!
It looks like it was drizzling outside..but still, it shines at East Coast park.

A time for Skating for me. It is the only way I can keep up with Joshua's running.

Running for Joshua.
You know what is the amazing thing, I had to sprint on my skates to keep up with Joshua when he made his last dash to the end. A total of 15km++. The longest distance I had on my skates.

Lastly a flower to end the day. Given to people you appreciate. Joshua gave the flower to me! =) It means he appreciates me!

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