
Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Starting a NEW!

Does it really matter if I do become a In-line Skating instructor or coach? I find that..not really. Nope. I didn't derive as much satisfaction working with SS, as I thought I could have. I definitely learnt a lot of stuff and gain more exposure talking to random customers, and I do love interacting with them, and even their complains. I see the whole process of how complains come about, which I really must say that it is the co.'s fault. Haha.. I love interacting with the kids who walk in and wants to play with "CARS" (they are actually skates), and taking the scooter, causing a chain event of scooters falling down..because they like the colour and finally! a toy that suits them. Or Coming up to me saying that their daddy wants to buy a pair of skates and even pick a pair for them, having no clue what they picked, when in fact, their daddy just want to look see look see first and find out the price range..

But I can't see myself working for the boss. I like the customers to give them a good service. But at the same time, I do not respect the boss enough to add value to his company. Even some of the customers think he is arrogant and proud, and walked out of the shop after felt being mistreated. Well, sometimes, I do feel that he has the racist mentality in his mind. When a caucasion walks in, wow..he will talk to them, basically give them the best service. But when a Singaporean walks in..he shows a different attitude..of course, unless you are related to him in school, business or family..Maybe he does not notice it..but people do. And when customers eventually come back to buy on another day when he is not around, they will talk about how they were being mistreated..

One thing I notice though, is that the boss thinks that he is always right. His way. Well, afterall, he has lots and lots of experience. I can't deny the fact that he has lots of experience and connections and thus the products that people want but can't find elsewhere. Thus, he has the added advantage. But once the advantage is gone..well, then people may start to treat him differently. The other time, there was a issue with a customer and he was so convinced that it was J or W who handled the customer and was talking about..told them not to do this and that already and blah blah blah they have to handle it themselves..boss or bossy talk..and I checked with the system. It was his partner..and I told him that it is his partner who handled the customer. Then he kept quiet. And gave the solution. "We will....." I wanted to laugh but kept quiet. In my head, as a TS Major, I can't help thinking how it would be shot on screen..and had the replay in my head while I gave the customer a call.

I know I'm definitely not indispensible in the co. But at least I had gain insight on how much I can actually trust the Co. I'd rather work for my mum. At least her Co. Delivers what it promises. It is also because there is communication in her co. I know. The boss use to say, we need to COMMUNICATE! COMMUNICATE. Problem is, I don't think he is communicating too. at least to PT workers. Tells customers one thing without telling us and customer call to tell us. First thing: SHOCK! Second thing: Ok..what is the customer saying again. Third: Figure it out myself..(I have learnt not to call the boss to ask questions, cause I can "go and find out myself") Forth: Answer the customer. Fifth: May or maynot happen, customer question or complain. Sixth: Handle the complain with a good attitude.

The thing about the word "soon" is tricky. That's the conclusion I can make. Work long enough, and you can figure it out yourself the way things work, where to get the information without being taught..basically, opening all files in the company, read through everything..Look at the website..Once in a long while when you see the boss ask questions that you still can't find the answer to.

But really. In any job, it takes time to learn the system, and figure it out yourself. Be exposed to situations and learn and prepare yourself should the situation occur again. No company is perfect. Every company is either on its way of perfecting or not improving. Basically, that's it. There is no perfect job. One thing remain, at least, work for a person you respect. Respect your boss's working ethics, values and philosophy.

Coming back to the first question. Does it really matter if I become a In-line skating instructor/coach? No it does not really matter. But I would still want to. I will be taking another route. =)
Which way? I'm still figuring it out. There are 2 other options.. =)Currently.
I hope I have matured. Ok! 5 more times to go!

And then, tata!

How will my new job be like? Definitely, I will not have the freedom on things I would like to do. I will need to seek approval from bosses. But I would definitely need to improve on my Chinese. So that I can communicate with Chinese speaking family. Haha.. OH MAN! And I'm a Chinese. Ok. I need to work on it.

Well, Let's talk about something new too!
Our Weekend OUTING!

With 3 Precious Elmos! Well, our 3 Elmos always stay in the car. They are perfectly happy. The car is really too big for them. They can't finish their exploration.

We headed to Jack's Place. Just in time for the Set Lunch. Jack's place is offering Set Lunch at fantastic prices! Definitely value for your money. It is our new hangout place during the weekends. Because the food is delicious and filling! Trust me. I wasn't hungry even during dinner time. We almost didn't make it for the Set Lunch. And before Joshua parked his car, I got off the car first, to ruch to Jack's place, just before 2.30pm, for the LAST Order of Set Lunch. Phew! If not, it wouldn't be worth the money le. Haha. Set Lunch includes soup of the day, your main course, coffee or tea, with dessert. Isn't it just COMPLETE!

I love Jack's place.
Sorry for the poor picture taken. Anyway, Joshua and I would always take the exclusive set, which of course cost a little more but I love it! Ribeye! Medium Rare. Joshua thinks Medium Rare is a little too bloody for him. He did order the Medium Rare the first time. But after that, he only order Medium. Oh well, I love Medium Rare! I mean if it is too bloody, you just need to flip the meat over and cook it lah. Haha..
And I'm so gonna dress up from now on. Is time for me to look good from now on. As of now, i'm cleaning my wardrobe. Well, lots of clothes. Probably years of age. I need new clothes! =) And getting a new job that pays much better while allowing time for me to have a shopping and personal time. Why not? Haha..Rather than working 6 times a day and only earn little. I still love the customers and their kids though. Just that, it is hurting my lifestyle. Just like one of my silver heels. Is super duper nice. But when I wear it, it hurts like crazy and you hope that you'd never put it on in the first place. So what if it looks good? It does not makes you feel good.

So, the same set meal ordered by Joshua and I. It really means that I eat a lot loh! For my size. I just can't help noticing how fast Joshua chews his food. When he finishes he food, I still have half left! Even though I started first. To put it in a good way, I don't gobble up my food. To put in a bad way, I eat way too slow! At least Joshua wait for me..while playig his soccer game on his iPod Touch. It is worth the spending. I definitely discourage Joshua from buying a iPod nano, classic, touch etc for me. Cause I'm just not that IT savy. I know I will not make full use of all its functions provided. Ok. Something I need to work on. Is like there is always something for me to work on huh..Something ablut life. It is a never ending Journey. Is not like movies when it has a beginning, development of plot and ending. There is no ending. Ok. Until you leave this earth. But till then, I'm still in the development phase.
Not too expensive coffee and tea and dessert. The most important thing is that, I'm satisfied.

We bought a whole lot of yummy stuff to fatten ourselves for the night and prepared to watch "The Devil Wears Prada".

After watching it, I'm so psyched to dress up. We look good when we do dress up and we look normal when we dress normal. So why not ut a little effort to look good?

Oh no! Is Lunch Time! GOtta Shower! =) And eat Lunch!


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