
Sunday, December 12, 2010

Awkardly quiet

It seems funny without Joshua no that he is at Church camp. The house seem a lot more quiet. I had the opportunity to meet up with Miko and we are going for Spa today @ 1pm!

Just that it clashes with the rehearsal i'm suppose to be at. Imagine if it was like a long time ago when I don't check my email, I would probably not even know about the role and rehearsal until today!!!

Seriously, I wish that I'm asked if I'm available or wanna take up the role rather than assigning it to me just like that. Well, but since Joshua is not in Singapore, so I'm free..after my Spa.
The next time, better not do it like that!!! Like ask me...not say hey you are doing this role just like that.

Sometimes I wonder is it because it is like a Church activity so I would not reject and thus people do take it for granted that I will just say yes.

Perhaps. (Must not be that way ok! Like what if I'm overseas, have other things plan etc)

Since now I accept it, I shall do it with a joyful heart. =)

And after Spa, then rehearsal then I'm going cycling with Claris.
Yup.. Then perhaps swimming? Either one. Cause I do need to exercise.

I gained 5kg!

Seems like everything I say is pretty superficial.
You think so too right? (Just admit it if you are)

This Christmas, during the sermon,
the speaker gave us 7 reasons to celebrate Christmas - all rounded aspects.
Definitely not the glitz and glitter that we are seeing. Not the presents that we are giving or receiving.

He took it from Mark 1: 9-45

Through the passage..shows 7 reasons.

1) God came to dwell among us. (Jesus baptized by John and heavens part and the Spirit descenging upon Him like a dove)
2) Jesus conquered all sins. (Tempted by Satan for 40 days)
5) Jesus victorious and have authority over evil Spirits (Jesus casts out an unclean spirit)
6) No little problem is too insignificant with God
7)vJesus provides full restoration (Heals Leper and have him to show himself to the priest - 'certify that he is ok and no longer an outcast in his community)

Can't remember 3 & 4.. but will ask Joy.

Anyway, so look past the superficial this Christmas and spend time alone with God. Experience the fullness this Christmas.  =)

Gotta go!

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