
Monday, December 27, 2010

Taipei Day 2

So how was everyone's Christmas?
I would say that the theme/purpose God had for me this Christmas was REUNION.
Amazingly, I met up with my 2 grandma relatives, and got back in contact with a Long Lost Friend..then, Joshua had a reunion with his family. I think things are OK now. At least I know that I'm accepted in his family because they started to talk to me!!! And I really do hope that Joshua is alright now. So Thank GOD!


So, Taipei Day 2.

We woke up to realise that our Included Breakfast consist of a choice of Bread, jam, butter, ham, eggs, coffee and tea.
That's about it. And I had bread and ham with tea for the next few mornings and Cheryl has her bread with eggs.
So follwing my plan, we headed off to JingAn MRT Station.
As noted, while you are queuing up for the bus to Leofoo Village, taxi drivers will approach you giving you an offer to drive you there straight and even back!
Since my itinerary wasn't clear about the bus process to get to Leofoo Village, we hopped on to the cab instead! Plus, the driver looks decent, friendly and genuine. =)
He became our tourguide from Jing An MRT Station to Leofoo and later to Shida Night Market! =)

We totally enjoy being fetched around and having a tourguide that talks about events and attractions. Cheryl and I just relax at the back while my mum and aunt bombarded the driver with lots of questions. 

I guess when I reach their age, I will also start asking lots of questions. Right now, I'm just enjoying the info given. 

We had a pitstop to get some food and went to Window on China to take a photo at the entrance before heading to Leofoo Village.

First Ride! Is just a small Roller Coaster.

Ok. I realise that I can't upload anymore photos in this blog anymore due to memory full..I"m not sure what I did by tagging it with Picasa album. So, my 1GB is full and in order to upload more, I will have to pay money. So it is time to MOVE!

Anyway it is the new year soon!

SO! If you wanna check out I'm at

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