
Saturday, September 8, 2007

happy birthday jeanette.!

happy birthday jeanette!

you know what?

i think it is about time that i blog about my birthday!! haha but a slideshow will just do the trick..haha..anyway i was feeling really uneasy for this week until 2 days ago. have this weird feeling that everything in my body is like not functioning well, and rather losing control..not really saying that i was trembling non-stop but it was a minor uncomfortableness..and then i felt like exploding in my head..but the weirdest thing is that it was the explosion of silence.

you are thinking "What?" right?

i mean how can silence explode? hmm...well, maybe we shouldn't think of silence as nothing..but have you heard the term of like..silent scream? so the explosion of silence should be the explosion of things you didn't voice earlier and the voice just gets pressured in until when your body can bear it no more. hidden with your breath. understand? hmm.. ok let me illustrate. when you feel like crying, being touched by a scene in a movie, have you thought of controlling your tears? and you breathe shallowly and shortly just to push back down the tears. yup. so that is what i mean by voice being buried by breath.

eh, so did i explode? hmm..i did. after a few days. it was really hard to bear. oh and only iz knew about it. he is kinda like my mentor now. to me at least. the rest would only hear me say that im really stress..but it is not school work really..and after all of it- out pouring of emotions?, i felt light. hmm..must be that deep breathing exercise i made myself do..i think. haha..

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