
Friday, September 28, 2007

What is art? seriously...

Lookie!! haha Miko and i got caught by these work of art as we were heading to esplanade library to study..and took lots of pictures..and as for those whose art are not shown here..don't worry it is not that it is not nice or anything but i can't possibly take all and paste it here!! so to the people out there!! you should go to esplanade and see!! if you wanna see the rest of the art work!! it is really good!! loads of imagination and stuff..
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket did you notice that there is a picture of a 'crab' all those stuff..i took that intentionally cause baby said that he had a dream of catching big crabs!!, in relation to his dream, i photographed that big 'crab'.

oh!! i really like this box!! nice right!!
side view
Another box.
Another box..
haha and there were lots of 'little people' do you describe this guy? as in what is his profession?
this 3 are super cute!!
And what the heck is this!! art?? dots. i dont see any innovation whatever whoever the person who creates this. it doesn't speak of how you came about to this is like a copy and paste from some drain!!! it only shows that you can really..copy and paste if this is the skill you are showing..

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