
Sunday, September 2, 2007

i miss you

i miss you, i really do.
screw the readings i have to do..screw all the rushing. i'd it. rush to eat, rush to sleep, rush to rise up, rush to school, rush to class, rush to go out, rush to return home, rush to bathe, rush to spend time with friends, rush the through school work, rush for bbq, rush for craft, rush to clean up!
and i forgot to spend time with myself. rushing..rushing to blog. rushing to have fun..sounds ridiculous. doesn't it?
and i forgot to settle down my heart. forgot to take in the experience. forgot to enjoy the taste of a simple milk that would give me stomache, to be still.
Being still is really important. gives you the time to take in what is around you and be able to cherish them. cherishing gives meaning to life. people always say how to live live meaningful? Cherish. Cherish makes it meaningful. not the activities you glance through everyday in your life! not the people you spend with! it is only when you cherish.
i use to think that by adding more events and spending time with people makes life more meaningful. but i realize that i was wrong. partial truth is no truth at all. Cherishing makes it complete. Cherishing the time you all hear all the time. what about cherising the taste of food? the breath of life? the light of life?

actually, i wanted to name the title 你是坏人. But i've realize something that i have been missing out! and i've only realized it when i stepped into my room and finds that everything stops. cherishing. so i changed the title. i guess i have been doing the doing too much until i don't really miss baby that much le. not because i don't love him as much but because i made myself too busy. gave myself too much expectation and at the end of it all, the result lets see..你是坏人?haha..though he meant it jokingly, but i must say the phrase is kicking in to my mental health le which i have to admit-it is pretty worn out. hah. starting to get brainwash. for a moment, i found myself starting to believe it believe in it. and i really wanted to blog about this. to remind myself of the decision i made. that between jokin and my mental health i picked to protect my mental health. and by doing this, i know that we now have one less thing to joke about. one popular joke less to joke about. but you know, if only jokes are on the positive side..

expectations. i've learn something about it in church. wl said that as time pass, the partners expectation of each other grows and that's how quarrels come about. well, i guess the giving part becomes less and the expectation grows. and it is not that they love each other less but they kinda lost sight of giving which is actually part of showing love and in the end..misunderstanding comes about and please let us not lose sight of that. for it is important.

yup. so i've been running around aimlessly..and now,i'm feeling loss which took me by surprise but now that i've understand, i'm taking time to settle down my heart. i'm taking what's mine back. i'm taking back my right. the right to cherish.

i miss you. i do.

and the birthday bbq. i thank all of you who attended but it really wasn't as joyful and enjoyable as i'd imagine it would. i didn't..i didn't have time to enjoy it. and i'm feeling sorry for myself. but i really am touched by your efforts. thank you.

and some of you would say, 'that's too bad for you'.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You're right man! The simple solution is just do some QT and some reflection everyday and identify what really matters in your life! I'm passionate about my work and all (as you know as much ;P) and it really means the world to me BUT I still make sure I drop everything when I need to! It is daring to say "screw! those deadlines! my loved ones are more important than any of that so-called 'success' that I am striving for!" It's about going to a friend's birthday party leaving that tonne of unfinished work rotting at home lolx Don't be like the Shirley in Chains of Defeat who realizes what is really important only when tradgey strikes. Anything can happen anytime man. . . So let us not take anything and/or anyone for granted! Hope this mess of an advice helps! Hope you get back to your cheery self soon! Life's too short to waste your precious moments down in the dumps ya?
