
Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Mid term break!

you know im really thankful that there is even such a thing as mid term break. really gives me a breather time. to relax..slowly catch up with things. im now not ing a chionging mood for studying..just little bit at a time. wait till exams. as for now, i'll try clear up my work so that come next break which is of course the exams..i won't have much work to do. i think. haha..well!! i went shopping with miko today at bugis. saw this really nice wallet really pretty!!!in my own way.. and bag!!! which i think it is pretty classy..haha still thinking if i should get it or not. should i?? but in the end i didnt get them. still should i get that bag? i mean it was hanging there with all the bags and it kinda jump out on me!! you know what i mean.. oh yar!!there was this really sincere chinese shop keeper at bugis street who sells bag at half price like 20 bucks and the quality is pretty good!! with quite a few varieties too!! cause he is leaving soon..don't really know the if you wanna get bags do head there!! eh somewhere in bugis street..haha on ground level. also very hard to describe where actually cause it is like a maze down there!!! hmm...

oh and i drank oat milk today!! haven't been drinking milk for a long time!! think tml i will drink milk again. and also i do recommend you people to eat Oreo wafersticks. it taste pretty yummy!!

haha aand come friday i'll be going for Red bull interview. wish me luck!! should i get the that bag??

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