
Thursday, May 22, 2008

Kara says

Kara says he hope tt daddy and mumy will be back together.
Mummy says that she will try.
Kara is concern cause mummy haven been sleeping nor waking up well.
Initially, daddy was pressuring mummy.
But since yesterday, mummy realised that daddy has changed in the way he approached things.
Mummy got worried cause she was afraid that daddy is bottling up all his emotions.
Mummy is concern.
The last thing mummy wants to do is to hurt daddy.
Kara will listen to daddy to be here to support and take care of mummy.

Argh, girl, stop pressuring yourself can. Be focus remember?
Then what about others?
Then what about yourself?
I'm not important.
You sure?
What about all the hope and effort I had in the past?
Are you the same person?
Sucks! I hate this.
I know you do.
This will be my last girlfriend boyfriend relationship. Whether it work out or not.
You are just tired.
I don't believe in it anymore.
I know you don't.

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