
Saturday, May 3, 2008


Whatever i'm bloggin. may not make sense but as long as it makes sense to me is ok

I'm just lost for words? No.
Cause i really need to blog now before my head explodes.
Can't sleep the whole night. Have been tossing around.
Bombarded with thoughts and i just figure that i really need to put all the thoughts down so i can study in piece later..
Should have blogged before i went to sleep was already quite late.

Anyway, i drank a little,
and puke a little when i got home.
Teared a little when no one sees.
But i don't wanna be that girl who cries.
Who says: "Don't do this to me. Why are you doing this to me?"
Told myself to be strong and how do i say this.
Suck it up!

Before a call, wasn't interested in drinkin at all but after a call, think i just kept drinkin. To keep myself occupied. PLayed dice game and cards and sing KTV. Yeah.
And i ate lots of ice cubes cause i kept losing.

But anyway, my status has changed..?
Break but not break off. Attached? i can't say too. Time out? Dating?
2 ways of thinking. One i have lost my rightful place? Two, it is gonna be like the days when we were dating? Ok.
There will be 2 outcomes basically. Pretty obvious.
I've calculated the maths. 2nd Nov 2008 is the deadline when this transition phase will finally end

It is a pretty long way. 6 months. Gosh.
Just like you requested.
Time for you to answer untold questions.
Do the things we want to do..? (Am i restricting you?)
3 years is unpredictable and you dont wanna me to waste my uni away
To get a feel of your life w/o me to treasure me?

You know what?
I totally understand. I get it.
Just that when i ask myself 'will it be worth it?' My thoughts cease. I have no answer.
I will just see how long i can take it.
As for now, I'm fine.
I'm taking this well.
For now.

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