
Monday, June 23, 2008

You are by my side

You are by my side. Be it..Baking or whatever. haha
who...? Tadah!!!!

Ok, on saturday, we went to amos house to bake cookies for sunday to sell and raise funds cause i have not reach target yet. But on sunday, somehow, everything was ok. God provides! =) No worries. yup yup! so anyway, presenting, Joshua with the cookies..
Before it went into the oven
In the oven..
The 3 bakers..haha Amos did something..he did.
You are eating the original famous amos. haha..
Kelvin came by..think they were gonna go out
Cookies done.
Come Sunday, sold all!!

After Baking, we went to Pungool Park to eat at BLISS

Shared a Steak and chicken wings. Had the opportunity to feed him. Yuppie!
Felt appreciated for the things i did. After that, we walked at the park and chatted and relax till it was geting late. And had to be back home. As requested by my mum.

On Sunday.

Church, followed by meetings and finally, could relax. And guess, what? While i went out to welcome Joshua to my house..he surprised me with a rose! my second rose. He got it cause he thought of me. How sweet is that?! That's what i love about him too.

And at my house, he played a love song for me. At that moment. What coms to mind, he played and sang. He was real nervous initially, so i said that i will close my eyes and not look at him. Till he was more relax and then i opened my eyes, he could look into my eyes and continue singing..hehe

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