
Friday, June 20, 2008

the one

Is amazing how we end up together.
He appreciates the things i do for him.
Love me for my heart.
Sensitive and observant to the little things that are bothering or affecting me.
He can read me. The only one who can do that. To be able to see the problems with my smiles and one i can share my thoughts with.
Embraced and assured.
We believe in each other. We will go through this together. And i say together.
Being together with a hope in mind of being together for a life time and we are working towards it.
Exciting journey.

17th June'08
After Joshua's work, we met up.
For my surprise. I have no idea where we were gonna go.
Asked me if i preferred to walk or take the bus. I said walk.
Walk is like a precious moment that I treasure. walking towards a common place.
We walked.

And walk half way, due to 'timing issues' we took a bus which got us to this little disney world.
He knew i love disney and fairytales. And he brought me there.
Stepping inside, i had the whole disney feel once again. As if i was really in disneyland.
I was so touched.
He thought of me.
I really do love your surprises.

And we headed to Island Creamery. Which i had no idea that i was heading there too.

Because i told him i like to eat the black forest at Island Creamery.

He remembers.

There wasn't any space to sit so we sat at the childrens corner where they would do some drawing..And we did some drawing too..

Just in case you are wondering what book is that, it is our diary. Our Diary.

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