
Monday, June 16, 2008

Thank You

Leroy called me and to give me his blessings. Said that he was real happy for me and also, not to care about what other people think and be with the person I really love.
"I'm glad u found wad u wan..Someone u can announce to e world about that u love him. i'm really happy for you."
I'm so happy and thankful cause i have been really concern especially about what leroy thinks. Since he is too my mum's godson and we were a couple before.
Just to let you know, your opinion matters cause we need to move on together.
Thank him for being a good guy.
Thank him for letting me go.
And I'm happy for him too that he is able to pick himself up.
Glad that he has learnt much too.
And we will still be friends as promised ever since we were in the relationship.
God has that someone special for you too.
You will find it soon.
It is good that we have finally move on together.

Thank my family for accepting me and respecting my decision.
Though my mum had tears in her eyes. I'm truely touched because i know what leroy means to her. You will not lose another godson.
Thank her for bearing in mind that i'm her daughter and my happiness is important too. Since i'm the one who is gonna spend the rest of life with the person, i should make my decision and not enforce her decision on me.
Really thank her for that.

Thank my friends for being there for me, supporting me.
And for being there for leroy too.
I'm glad I have such friends that i didnt realise. And now, it has opened my eyes.

Thank you Joshua for being there for me, going through this period with me, supporting with me. Assuring me as well.
Always being understanding and patient.
Still making the effort to spend time together even though work has started.
Coming to see me and feed me, taking care of me, knowing that i was down with a flu.

You know how much i hate flu.
Feels all germy and stuff and disgusting
Yet today, though i'm sick, didn't feel all that germy.
Not mere happiness. Joy.
幸福 is the word. Is the 幸福ness in that Joy.

"Thank God I found you." That's how i'm feeling.
With all this mysterious timing.
Being a part of each others life.
Doing things because I thought of you.

Thank You all so much.
I'm encouraged and refreshed.

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