
Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Standard Charter! 21km run!

The picture version.
Told you that I would upload the images!
I did it! But i know that i couldn't have done it without Joshua's training and inspiration and believing in me.
Haha, sounds like a thank you speech. But it is true lah.
Ok, I know. Cause while lots of people think I can't make it.
He thinks I can. And I really did wanna do it and challenge myself. So finally a all tiring run, I got my trophy!!! Wee! =)
I haven got a medal since JC 1. And now after..let me see..3 years, i got another medal! Wee! Yuppie! can add to my collection le!

As you cansee, only i'm happy that I got my medal. Haha..To Joshua is like perhaps no big deal. But it was a big big deal to me!!!

After a tiring run..we went to eau suki sushi! Trust me. After you run, the food you eat taste extremely delicious!
So, hope you all will be inspired too!
Join the crazy run next year!
Yup, I still think those who ran are crazy. I'm crazy. Like why would anyone wanna run for such a long distance?
Is just a challenge la. Endure!!!!
Will I join 42km? Most likely not!!! Unless, I decided to become more crazy..

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