
Saturday, October 24, 2009

Open House but Passed OUT!

I'm so tired. Good night. Hope you kids enjoyed yourself. And I/we will do our part to improve on the next Open House!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Back to Humility

You know, it took me awhile. With Joshua's inspiring speech, work became no longer work to me. It became meaning. Life Impacting. And after working in the shop, I'm beginning to appreciate customer service. Those who stand in the front line and take the fire of people's complaints and wants, and need for explanation despite lowly trained by company themselves. Even the waffle girl, whom I usually buy waffle with peanut butter from whenever I have a break or feel like grabbing a bite. I appreciate her standing there for so long just to have one customer to order and then cook for me while I have my toilet break and come back to get the waffle. It kind of became my routine. They are humans too. They are not the company, that promises you this and that etc. If you really equvilent it, it would be a better choice to put the boss = company. Afterall, they are the ones who come up with all the ideas etc. But whatever it is, I appreciate having a job whatever job it is. And I should be a hardworking and humble worker for my boss however he may be like. Because simply, my job is my responsibility. So from tomorrow, I will work with my heart. Not just with customers but also with the boss. (Cause the truth is, I lose motivation to work whenever I see my boss) Ok. I Shirley, will work with my heart for the customers and the boss.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

I'm a Slow F1.

Sorry for the dated blog on F1. I was too distracted by 'things' that i forgot to embrace what I have. =) But now, I know. So here is to our (Joshua and I) very first F1. Well, firstly, I regreted wearing the sparkling shoes because it hurts my feet so much! I can't walk! No wonder I stopped it wearing for a long time ago. I knew that it hurt but I kind of forgot how bad it hurt till I stop wearing it though I still like the way it looks. Not worth it. Just like..Ok. my current job at 'SS' just not worth it. Haha..Ok.
So, I was really excited but the shoes kind of killed like half of the excitment. Just trying to keep up with Joshua's walk. When we finally reach the seat, it was PARADISE! For my feet. And then..once in a while, we can hear the ZOOM! It was whooping loud! No wonder they needed ear plugs. I so need one. In the end, I had to cover my ears to enjoy the ZOOM! Volume that is appealing to my ear..But still loud. =) It was a practice session though. Not the actual race, which explains the empty seats behind us.
And in front of us.
But it was a experience to be remembered and to learn from.

Neh..Friday. But I love the card. Haha..So keeping it. If only it can be used exclusive entrance to certain days at some mysterious place..and only card owners like me know about it. That would be so cool! Of course, we wouldn't have the money to be part of some private, exclusive club.
It was so hot that I just had to tie my hair. With the rubber band, that was used to tie the card and the band over. And still, at night, Joshua was still a busy man..

I should take his advice and not work at all! Haha.. just kidding..I wouldn't do that. I must at least work part-time. Meaning like 3-4 days kind of work, a job that I like. I like to work. But not as a burden kind of thing. You know..

Well, I'm definitely excited to be a CM next year! =) Though it didn't really suit my wants..but it is the best at the moment. In time to come, if it is possible to decrease the number of working days when the Co. is earning money and pay me the same or cut a little, I wouldn't mind. =)

Fuuny thing is that I can't remember who took this shot for us.
Once in a while, after many tries of empty car shot, (due to speeding), we manage to get like one.
The pretty shoe that was killing my feet.
And the fabulous cap that is adored by Joshua. Haha..
We tried to take photo on our own and the guys on the next table simply offered their service. And thus,
we had a good shot! Yup, Sweet Heart, I will not reject people when they offer to help us take photo. =)

And our dinner at Harry's Bar. It was a little disappointing. They didn't give as much ingredients as they used to in the past. But things always become like that right after being established for a long period of time.

And so, after dinner, and a walk..we were standing at a place where there were a lot of people looking..

I like photos when there are bright lights. At least, it will not look too pixelised.
And another shot! I so need a fab camera that can take fab shots at high speed.
And that's the end to the post. Love you Joshua!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Lost? Should no longer be.

Well, I finally started reading a book "Running away from Richard", a book Cheryl kept saying is nice and she can't put it down even during the exams. A booked I bought cause I was thinking it would be a boring trip to Jurong to TP. And the book cost 8 bucks so why not. And I realise why I stopped reading even before I reach TP and resorted to day dreaming. Cause even on page 118..the girl still can't get over the guy who dumped her..even after a month in the me irritated when i keep reading and all in her head was getting back with the guy who dumped her who was actually two timing her in my prospective. But whatever..

It reminded me of myself. When I got dumped by my 1st. I must have been super irritating to the people around me who wanted me to move on. And at pg 118 of the book, the guy who dumped the girl kind of like the same guy I had with the two timing thing going on. To me. But whatever it is, I find her irritating for not moving on and then I am irritated with my past self for not moving on as quickly as I should have.

But now that I'm in the present, phew! And I should move on with the decision. Like seriously, do I Miss Shirley really need a full-time job?
For what?
To earn Money.
For what?
To contribute to family.
To spend, without just using Joshua's hard earnings
To save..well, I'm not really the saving person..cause I can't think why I should save for..except for the 2000 for the HDB if we get a unit..which I'm on the way there. CLOSE! I really really really want to play a part.

The part I got it figured is that I really cannot work for my mum as CM while working part-time at SS. It took me lie a few days to figure it out. Can't believe it. But I know, for sure that I will not have the energy to sustain..nor will I be happy after a few months. Cause if I combine the both, it will be like working 6 days a week! Hmm..

Actually, I'm already lucky enough to be me. Is not like the contribution to family is urgent. Is just my own schedule. Maybe I'm pushing myself too hard.
Like I want to contribute to family, to Joshua, to doing things I like, to having a relatively stable job, to church, to friends.
ok. I think I take too many people's random comments seriously.
Why aren't you getting a job that is related to your field of study?
Is good that you are doing something you like.
Lots of people pose this particular question to me esp customer once they know i'd graduated, after being shock that I stopped studying..
Why this job? Or..How come you are not doing a full-time job?
Or sometimes..
Whatever it is. I need to sort out my timings..Look forward to the day when my timing suit Joshua's working hours.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Imagination may not be that good

Things built up in your imagination much faster than reality. Having been working or just entered to the working world with much to learn, I've learnt one more thing.

We get sucked into our ambition imagination.
Even I. Working for merely 1 month plus and I get ambition imagination, set up a business myself, expand and stuff and all. BUT. ALL imagination. And I got lost in it. Almost. Until today.

When I was driving Joshua's car. Driving a car wakes me up double time. And with the news that one of my ex-class mate got in and out of hospital cause was diagnose with cancer. A mere age of 20 plus..Having cancer. It question about my ambition imagination. Yup. It will drive you. But the only thing it keeps you focus on is the ambition. Not the lifestyle, nor the family nor the relationship.

But when I close my eyes to relax, I do not see my Imagination Ambition. I saw just me, all smiles, still skating, but at a park, after class. A slower pace of life. And a hug from Joshua. Waving buy to my friends whom I have just worked with. It was a work with Friends. Not work for profit.

And I was reminded why I insisted on a part-time when I worked with SS. Cause I wanted time OFF! To refresh. I was focus on the cert part which is one of the component. But I forgot about the part-time part. A part-time too have the lifestyle I want.

And now that I have reset things into perspective, I will not pursue mega on my secret plan that it developed in my mind. It will just be small, like the way I envisioned initially, so that I will not be using all my time to make Imagination Ambition work. Rather, spend time reflecting, relaxing and earning just enough to support my lifestyle. =)

Work and Rest.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Reason Not to Claim

There is a reason not to claim on her part. Haha. Imagine, if I claim for my work of the website? It will take a minimum of 4 days worth of work! Hmm, that's quite a lot of money! Well, I'm finally done. Except because of some people who still haven't given me their profiles!!!! Well, I did what I can le. I'm so tired. And I didn't go and buy the eye massager from OTO as planned. Should I buy? I should right?

I'm so buying it next week when my pay comes. It better come next week.