
Thursday, October 15, 2009

Imagination may not be that good

Things built up in your imagination much faster than reality. Having been working or just entered to the working world with much to learn, I've learnt one more thing.

We get sucked into our ambition imagination.
Even I. Working for merely 1 month plus and I get ambition imagination, set up a business myself, expand and stuff and all. BUT. ALL imagination. And I got lost in it. Almost. Until today.

When I was driving Joshua's car. Driving a car wakes me up double time. And with the news that one of my ex-class mate got in and out of hospital cause was diagnose with cancer. A mere age of 20 plus..Having cancer. It question about my ambition imagination. Yup. It will drive you. But the only thing it keeps you focus on is the ambition. Not the lifestyle, nor the family nor the relationship.

But when I close my eyes to relax, I do not see my Imagination Ambition. I saw just me, all smiles, still skating, but at a park, after class. A slower pace of life. And a hug from Joshua. Waving buy to my friends whom I have just worked with. It was a work with Friends. Not work for profit.

And I was reminded why I insisted on a part-time when I worked with SS. Cause I wanted time OFF! To refresh. I was focus on the cert part which is one of the component. But I forgot about the part-time part. A part-time too have the lifestyle I want.

And now that I have reset things into perspective, I will not pursue mega on my secret plan that it developed in my mind. It will just be small, like the way I envisioned initially, so that I will not be using all my time to make Imagination Ambition work. Rather, spend time reflecting, relaxing and earning just enough to support my lifestyle. =)

Work and Rest.

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