
Sunday, October 18, 2009

Lost? Should no longer be.

Well, I finally started reading a book "Running away from Richard", a book Cheryl kept saying is nice and she can't put it down even during the exams. A booked I bought cause I was thinking it would be a boring trip to Jurong to TP. And the book cost 8 bucks so why not. And I realise why I stopped reading even before I reach TP and resorted to day dreaming. Cause even on page 118..the girl still can't get over the guy who dumped her..even after a month in the me irritated when i keep reading and all in her head was getting back with the guy who dumped her who was actually two timing her in my prospective. But whatever..

It reminded me of myself. When I got dumped by my 1st. I must have been super irritating to the people around me who wanted me to move on. And at pg 118 of the book, the guy who dumped the girl kind of like the same guy I had with the two timing thing going on. To me. But whatever it is, I find her irritating for not moving on and then I am irritated with my past self for not moving on as quickly as I should have.

But now that I'm in the present, phew! And I should move on with the decision. Like seriously, do I Miss Shirley really need a full-time job?
For what?
To earn Money.
For what?
To contribute to family.
To spend, without just using Joshua's hard earnings
To save..well, I'm not really the saving person..cause I can't think why I should save for..except for the 2000 for the HDB if we get a unit..which I'm on the way there. CLOSE! I really really really want to play a part.

The part I got it figured is that I really cannot work for my mum as CM while working part-time at SS. It took me lie a few days to figure it out. Can't believe it. But I know, for sure that I will not have the energy to sustain..nor will I be happy after a few months. Cause if I combine the both, it will be like working 6 days a week! Hmm..

Actually, I'm already lucky enough to be me. Is not like the contribution to family is urgent. Is just my own schedule. Maybe I'm pushing myself too hard.
Like I want to contribute to family, to Joshua, to doing things I like, to having a relatively stable job, to church, to friends.
ok. I think I take too many people's random comments seriously.
Why aren't you getting a job that is related to your field of study?
Is good that you are doing something you like.
Lots of people pose this particular question to me esp customer once they know i'd graduated, after being shock that I stopped studying..
Why this job? Or..How come you are not doing a full-time job?
Or sometimes..
Whatever it is. I need to sort out my timings..Look forward to the day when my timing suit Joshua's working hours.

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