
Wednesday, October 21, 2009

I'm a Slow F1.

Sorry for the dated blog on F1. I was too distracted by 'things' that i forgot to embrace what I have. =) But now, I know. So here is to our (Joshua and I) very first F1. Well, firstly, I regreted wearing the sparkling shoes because it hurts my feet so much! I can't walk! No wonder I stopped it wearing for a long time ago. I knew that it hurt but I kind of forgot how bad it hurt till I stop wearing it though I still like the way it looks. Not worth it. Just like..Ok. my current job at 'SS' just not worth it. Haha..Ok.
So, I was really excited but the shoes kind of killed like half of the excitment. Just trying to keep up with Joshua's walk. When we finally reach the seat, it was PARADISE! For my feet. And then..once in a while, we can hear the ZOOM! It was whooping loud! No wonder they needed ear plugs. I so need one. In the end, I had to cover my ears to enjoy the ZOOM! Volume that is appealing to my ear..But still loud. =) It was a practice session though. Not the actual race, which explains the empty seats behind us.
And in front of us.
But it was a experience to be remembered and to learn from.

Neh..Friday. But I love the card. Haha..So keeping it. If only it can be used exclusive entrance to certain days at some mysterious place..and only card owners like me know about it. That would be so cool! Of course, we wouldn't have the money to be part of some private, exclusive club.
It was so hot that I just had to tie my hair. With the rubber band, that was used to tie the card and the band over. And still, at night, Joshua was still a busy man..

I should take his advice and not work at all! Haha.. just kidding..I wouldn't do that. I must at least work part-time. Meaning like 3-4 days kind of work, a job that I like. I like to work. But not as a burden kind of thing. You know..

Well, I'm definitely excited to be a CM next year! =) Though it didn't really suit my wants..but it is the best at the moment. In time to come, if it is possible to decrease the number of working days when the Co. is earning money and pay me the same or cut a little, I wouldn't mind. =)

Fuuny thing is that I can't remember who took this shot for us.
Once in a while, after many tries of empty car shot, (due to speeding), we manage to get like one.
The pretty shoe that was killing my feet.
And the fabulous cap that is adored by Joshua. Haha..
We tried to take photo on our own and the guys on the next table simply offered their service. And thus,
we had a good shot! Yup, Sweet Heart, I will not reject people when they offer to help us take photo. =)

And our dinner at Harry's Bar. It was a little disappointing. They didn't give as much ingredients as they used to in the past. But things always become like that right after being established for a long period of time.

And so, after dinner, and a walk..we were standing at a place where there were a lot of people looking..

I like photos when there are bright lights. At least, it will not look too pixelised.
And another shot! I so need a fab camera that can take fab shots at high speed.
And that's the end to the post. Love you Joshua!

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