
Tuesday, August 28, 2007

prelude-birthday celebration

nothing much just that i had a 'nightmare' just last night about it..nothing bad happen except just that there was no food, no bbq pit..everything was disorganized and haha..i was running up and down the stairs not sure looking for what..continuously...this birthday thing is actually having effects in my dream! gosh! i mean it felt pretty real you know and in my dream i told myself..why come up with this idea girl!!! anyway, don't be worried. cause i will take time to prepare the food and stuffs ok so don't case you think that it wiill really end up coming w/o food and blah blah..haha..don't worry! i know that i only decided on it like on sat and started calling pple on sunday but not to worry! one week is enough! haha sounds like i'm assuring myself..oh and some people asked me what i want..hmm, actually a bit tempted to think what i really want and pen it down for you all to see..but nah..if not there won't be an element of surprise le plus..people might buy the same stuff! if you wanna get me something..get me something but not too expensive alright..but most importantly you must have the thought while buying it and not just buy for the sake of getting it! haha..wallet, tops, pencil case, whatever..oh! most importantly just come to the bbq..cause food is prepared! haha..hmm..anythign else? i for got what i wanna say distracted by the songs of不能说的秘密..when i remember i tell you ba. but i think most prob not hahah

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