
Tuesday, January 22, 2008

holiday mood

i'm finally starting to use my lappy for school work again..argh, got bored so looked around and oh my gosh!! BEAUTY WORLD!! i didn't blog about it, wahaha..i love the set super fabulous, gorgeous. i kept looking at the set! well, i can't see the character faces, we sat real far away..they were minute!! haha, the set is the thing i would praise about..that's pretty much it..catchy songs yar.
i remembered i was tired but i don't remember why. argh but people always say that i look tired. is it my freaking face? hmm, or just i'm always tired? hmm, well. so for this year resolution is to be radient ok! yeah a good and simple one.
We went to hongkong cafe after Beauty World and i'm so glad that Daniel drove us back and i was the first to get off!! : ) we should meet up soon but not like at nigh like you know, during the day, at the beach..
And yar, as you can see the eye bags, not a good sight..haha, unglam
and look at this delicious thing!! oh my gosh!!! does it look freaking delicious? it sure do but on the other hand, it too look like you will get sick of eating it after a while, so please do share with your friends if you do want to order it.
So, right now, i really do know that school has started and i do genuinely want to be focus in my school work, but my mood, can't really adjust to the studying mood. Then again, i like this feel, i don't feel lost and a necessity to really like hey girl study! i enjoy this relaxing feel. is comfortable. should remain like that. School afterall is just school. not your life. I do need to be organise though. :)

Isaac i know you warned me about putting this up on blog but seriously not many people do come see my blog so it is safe alright :)
Just to let you all know, isaac was dancing.
Doesn't look like dance? i know. this is thai traditional music ok! learn to appreciate it!!

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