
Thursday, January 3, 2008

New year new life!

hey i'm so sorry so so sorry..

Well, school is starting and well though im still having holidays looks like my blogging frequency isn't doing good..haha, can't imagine when school really start..well

this holiday i have been up to some stuffs..and lots of things to upload to my blog to show you readers (dunno how many) what i've been up to..but the video upload is the one that gives me the headache..

haha..i hope you are not disappointed in me..well, you gotta wait if it is good stuff..but well, i think you all have been waiting for too long so tahah!!!

OH by the way, happy new year..i'm late but better than never!! :)

First going out with my sec school girls..
known each other for gosh 8 years!! man!! time flies..
we meet up to eat and i think this is the day when i got my hair highlighted and kinda implicate Iz as well, those n church should know..
well, the first guy you see in the slide show for children camp is iz..
i got his hair dyed due to too much left overs after getting my hair he got his for free!! treated it like my christmas present to him..haha

well, as usual, meet up talk talk eat eat and usually we head back home..well, that's the things we usually do due to time constrain but i wish we could do more.. something else..

If you haven't noticed, all of us are wearing black tops!! As if we can read each other's mind. haha
Oh by the way i've uploaded another part for children camp can go see see..but there is another one which i got fed up uploading it cause always got problems..haiz.

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