
Wednesday, January 9, 2008

nights out!

hey!, well peeps, i still gotta one more thing to blog about the holiday, but but but..the stuffs like video and photos are not ready, over 400+ photos!! excited? but of course iw ouldn't want you all to view until you all got headache so i will do that later lah

Anyway, i just came back from my date with the girls, and my baby joined me. He was wearing his army uniform, so cannot hold hand and hugs if not he will get charged. Haiz, but still, babe! i love you!! : )

anyway, we exchanged christmas gifts like finally! i know, we are slow, but take your time! enjoy man!!
Also, i think i should do some thing call new year resolution! although i'm not sure i will follow through but haha..not a bad idea to list what you wanna do right? :)
but let me think it through in my dream..and blog tml..

Us almost complete...dawn!! faster come back to singapore!!

left to, me, jenna, pat, kry and szewei.

Ok just wanna show you my sunglasses..for a reason cause i bought a sunglass for the exchange christmas gift and jenna got the present and pat say, something that kinda implies that im giving jenna second hand good..but no!! i bought a new one ok, so jenna don't worry..the one patricia was refering to is the lower the same but my frame is white and lense is orange..jenna one is different plus, her frame is much smaller than mine..and more metallic style.

A photo of my very own sunglasses--which means jenna's sunglasses is not second hand good..with the present i got!! a fat cactus and orange chocolate from pat and photo frame from kry. thankx girls. see ya all on monday!!! 21st jan, don't change ok!! and pat! hope your dog is pregnant!! excited for you!

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